
Monday, June 20

Flag Cookies

Are you looking for an Independence Day cookie to impress, but that doesn't take a ton of time and work to accomplish?

These are "those" cookies...

And this is just the very beginning of a SLEW of red, white, and blue ideas, SO, get ready! 

To make these cookies you will need:
  • Black outline consistency icing with a #3 tip
  • red, white, and blue flood icing {I actually used red, navy, and ivory}
  • white or ivory piping icing and a #1 or #1.5 tip
Outlining is the first step when I make cookies like these.  To make sure they come out evenly, I do it in sections as shown below.  For this set, I chose to make a quarter of the cookie blue with stars.

However, you can do an entire half if you choose.  It might make it a little easier to evenly divide the cookie into sections.

Either way you decide to go, after you have outlined the cookie, let it dry.  When it has completely dried, begin filling the sections.  You must work one section at a time and let them dry between steps so that the colors don't bleed together.

I did the ivory first, and then the navy.

When the other two colors dried a bit, I added the red.

At this point, you need to let the cookie dry overnight if possible.  I was in a bit of a hurry, so I waited a couple hours and then I applied the stars.  The advantage to waiting until the base is completely dry, is that it minimizes the risk of bleeding, so if bleeding is an issue for you, wait a bit.

I have had several emails asking how I made the stars on these cookies.  It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. 

I went back to my grade school days of star drawing.

Use the icing tip to close any openings in the star.  You will want to make sure the icing is not too thick or this won't work as well.

Let them dry completely.

I don't often have bleeding problems, however for those of you who do, be sure to make sure each color is dry before moving on.

These are easy, and since all the outlining is done in black, they require minimal prep work.

Hope to see these in your Fourth of July roundup!


  1. These are so cute and scream the 4th of July -- love them and the chamo ones too. Joni

  2. Love that you did your flag in a circular shape! Great cookie. I smiled when I saw your (Grade School) lesson on making the stars, only because whenever I would draw a star using that method my #1 point was your #5 and then I went right from there, then down, then up etc.

    P.S. Love how you added chamo cookies to your flags ones...very fitting :)

  3. I love these! Did you use your "20 second" icing to flood them or a regular flood consistency? Can't wait to see what else you have for the 4th holiday. Thanks!

  4. Love your ideas as always! What is your secret to not so frequent bleeding?

  5. These cookies are unbelievably awesome! I really like the camo ones! I used to be in the AF so I really appreciate them!!! :D Thanks for your support and creativity!!! I have never tried to ice cookies before... is there a no fail recipe for the royal icing?

  6. So pretty! I love these and may have to add them to my "to-try" list!

  7. @Anne, I used my regular flood icing for these, although,I would say I consitently mix it to more of a 12 second icing than a ten

    @the cookie corner, I thin a lot of it has to do with my climate, the fact that I used a fan to dry my cookies, and the way I mix the icing

    @Jessica, I have a royal icing posted however, I am n the middle of moving to another web addy so my blog is a littl bit of a jumble. So for now lok under the FAQ and use the recipe there. I plan on fixing it ASAP, so stay tuned, and thanks for being patient =)

  8. You never cease to amaze me with your clever designs and intense attention to the little details.

  9. May I ask which scalloped cutter you use? The ones I have all have such small edges -- its hard for me to pipe them neatly -- wondering if yours are larger? thanks.

  10. I am speechless at all of your talents....thank you so much for always sharing this with us.....If one day I am half as good as you, I will be very happy...Also, could you let me know which scallop you are using, I have some, but they don't look nice and big like yours.....thanks....

    Mary Juckett

  11. Love these, they are fun and I love that you use circle shape!
    Happy WEEK!

  12. Love these, Callye! Do you ever have problems with the "stripes" pitting? That is my #1 problem right now! Oddly, I live in high humidity and my bleeding is not bad, either.

    Thanks for posting these....I just had someone ask about patriotic you mind if I try them?


  13. Thanks for the inspiration!
    I had the flags, camo and USA cookies made for my son's Air Force graduation family get together..he loved them!

  14. Thank you so much for all the mind blowing inspiration! Hopefully I can find something equally as cute for Canada day!

  15. very nice
    no independance day in France, where i live
    but we have "14 juillet", and colors are the same! good idea

  16. Nice and neat design, Callye! I love them!
