
Wednesday, June 22

Scalloped Round Cookie Cutters {WFMW}

First of all, I would like to let everyone know this will be my last post here on blogger. Although I am a little sad *mostly because this comes just as I am finally learning how to work things here* I am also excited and ready for a change.  Be sure to subscribe by email so you can move with me, or come visit me at my new site when it is launched =)

Now for the cookie talk...

Although I like most of my cookie cutters, scalloped rounds are the ones that I love above all the rest.

If I were about to be left on a deserted island and could only take ONE single cutter, I would take a scalloped round.

Actually, the VERY first set of cutters I EVER really spent "real" money one were the Ateco four-set scalloped rounds {top right corner} and I still use them to this day.

The beauty of  scalloped rounds is that you can do ANYTHING with them.  They work for almost any theme and design.

Suppose you need jungle cookies, and you don't have the cutters? Put it on a round.

Hydrangeas and not in the mood to hand cut? NO PROBLEM!

You can even use them to build cookies

Bottom line, a good set, or even just one scalloped round is essential to ANY good cookier's cutter collection.

OKAY, in my usual LONG WINDED FASHION...I'm not quite finished.

Now, I want to talk about a similar cutter, scalloped ovals.

Now this might come as quite a surprise, *where's that sarcasm font* but I own quite a few of these also.

Although I use all of them, I have a favorite.

I got this scalloped oval cutter from Copper Gifts two years ago, and it's one of my most frequently used cutters.  If you are serious about cookies, invest in one of these.

I use it all the time, particularly to make centerpiece cookies like these {pardon the OLD photos}. 

Just so you know, this cutter is a bit over four inches wide. However, if you are on a budget, or if you need a smaller one, I have the perfect solution.

See these babies?  I get them from World Market, and they cost a whopping ninety-nine cents.

Besides being GREAT for round cookies like these, they also have another quality I love. 

With a little squoosh, they instantly morph into the perfect sized scalloped oval.

So simple I ALMOST didn't think of it!

I used this cutter to make these cookies and for my recent Father's Day Ties.

So, whether you need a large oval or a small, you are covered.

I used both in this collection.

And just in case you don't have access to World Market, I have yet another solution, using one of the most common cookie cutters of all, the FLOWER cutter.

Besides making a beautiful scalloped oval, they also work REALLY well as clouds!

So, tip for the day, always keep a scalloped round cutter on hand, and don't forget to buy a few extras to make those ovals.

This works for me and I hope it will work for you too!


  1. That is cool, the only thing i use my round cutters for is biscuits(I have the white set in your first picture). I will have to try using them for actual cookies.
    Good luck on your re-launch, hope to see you there soon!

  2. This is totally off the subject, but I've always wondered how much do you charge for 1 of those beautiful platters in the quad shot?

  3. What is your new website address?

  4. Oh, I will miss having you in my feed on blogger... but my email is anisfavoritethings at gmail dot com Please sign me up for emails! I love seeing your cookies, you are inspirational. I did some of my brother's favorite video game characters for his birthday. Looking forward to learning more from you!

  5. Looking forward to your move! I love my scalloped cutters too but I love looking at the cookies you make with yours much more than I love looking at the cookies I make with mine :)

  6. Agree Agree!! Love my scalloped cutters - your ideas are amazing always!

  7. These are one of those times i'm so thankful for FB, thanks for sharing, truly inspirational...
    Thanks again,

  8. You know you're good when you can make cookie cutters a fascinating read! Lovely post. And can't wait to see your new site!! You are one talented cookie.

  9. You are incredible! Your posts are always so so helpful, thank you so much for sharing! I just recently made my own homemade cookie cutter (I thought of your blog!) out of a soda can, and it was really simple and worked great! :)
