
Saturday, June 18

Happy Pappy's Day Cookies

Are you sitting at your computer fretting a little because it's Father's Day and you haven't made one single treat for the DAD in your life?

Maybe you were busy, or procrastinated a any case it's not too late.  YOU can make PAPPY cookies!

I call them Pappy cookies because these are dad's favorite.  He doesn't need all the bells and whistles, just plain old cookies with a sprinkle of sugar on top.

  Simple and easy.

Of course, I color them, because that's what I do, but really, he loves them just plain.

I didn't even use a cutter.  I just pulled out my fluted pastry wheel and went to town.

All you need to do is make my basic sugar cookies, add any flavor your dad likes such as, lemon, orange, any kind of zest, almond, or vanilla...sprinkle them with sugar {I prefer the raw kind mixed with lemon zest} and bake.

My dad is a funny guy.  We call him Pap or Pappy or sometimes another pap-related nickname that makes mom glare at us and everyone else giggle.

 He was born an old soul, I guess. Nanny said even when he was a little little boy, he'd wake up with the sun, head out to explore all day with his dog, and then be home and in bed before she made him.

 Since I was a little girl his dream was to grow old, wear rimless spectacles, and live in the middle of nowhere with his dogs.  This is him.

So far, he's doing pretty well. He's got the glasses, he definitly lives in the middle of nowhere, or at least somewhere close, and the dogs, oh the dogs!

See?  He loves his dog, who is appropriately named Junior.  They even look a little alike.

And guess who likes cookies too?  Especially if they look like him.

But if you ask me, he's a bit spoiled.   A baby even...Definitely the favorite child. Although, I may just be jealous we were so easily replaced.

{PS, Junior has a sister, Rosie,  and Pap loves her, but J will always be TOP DOG}

He even made that little picture of the dogs up there.  I worry about him a little...

Speaking of dads...we have another favorite dad around here.
You guessed it. BERN-DAD!

Ooops...wait, wrong picture.

That's him and his mini-me.  I don't have one with him and all the kiddos.  Apparently, I need to work on taking more group photos this summer!

In any case, Happy Father's Day to my special dads, and to all the other great daddies out there. 

If you haven't made him a treat, twenty minutes is all it takes, so it's not too late, get to baking!

Have a wonderful day Father's Day everyone!


  1. bridget {bake at 350}June 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    Love seeing the picture of your dad! My dad likes oatmeal-raisin...gotta work that into a decorated cookie somehow. ;) 

  2. my pops is the EXACT same way! he loves his cookies without anything -- even when we make chocolate chip cookies, we have to take out the chocolate chips so he can have his very own!

  3. Such a fun tribute!  I MUST show the dog photos to my husband.  Junior with the cookie, and the other with the binky~hilarious!

  4. Katie's Something SweetJune 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    ^^ Some photos make me smile^^ Happy father's day!

  5. Thanks for the cookie idea.  I like the idea of colouring them too.

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  6. So nice to *meet* your wonderful Dad and his *baby*!  What a sweet and funny post. Your cookies look great and your cookie of Junior is awesome.  I'm sure Bern-Dad sincerely appreciated the first photo you posted of him.  LOL  Enjoy your Father's Day. 

  7. Happy Father's Day to your special Dad's! 

  8. What a sweet post Callye and I love the no fuss cookies, they are the best, aren't they?

  9. Love these cookies! I know several people that would rather have them. Thanks for a great post!
