
Wednesday, June 15

Making Cookies From Paper Templates

For some reason, I was BURSTING with Independence Day ideas, and completely at a loss for Father's Day.  So, I did what I usually do when I don't have an answer, I MADE something up.  Yes, I do that a lot...

This is what I came up with.  Now AFTER I made all of these, I had all sorts of neat ideas like "DAD" on a bed of grass and a golf ball where the heart is, or replacing the heart with a shotgun shell for all those hunting dads...but that's going to have to wait a few days.

For now, this is what I've got, which is appropriate, because I sure love my dad.

It's really easy to do, and also very inexpensive.  I tend to use cardstock because it's handy, easy to cut, and sturdy enough to stand up to repeated uses, BUT you can do stencil paper, manila folders, or my personal fave, old plastic lids.

Once you've cut out your design, place it directly onto the dough and cut around it with a sharp paring knife. 

 Word to the wise,don't try to show off and cut too fast.  You might lose something important.

I do this ALL THE TIME.  I'm a doodler, and this feeds my habit.  Would you believe it if I told you I almost drove my algebra teacher to drink with my constant doodling?  This has been a lifelong affliction.

These are some recent ones.  I have a drawer full of these, and Berndogg has been trained NEVER to throw away one of my scribbled papers.  It could very well be my latest masterpiece!

I used hand drawn templates to make most of the cookies below and also for my decades platter

Did I mention this is CHEAP...and EASY?! { I know I did, that was for emphasis}

So, until Beth or Eric allow me to move into the guest house and adopt me as one of their own, this is what I will do...

I hope this inspires to to make your own shape when none of your cutters are just right. It really allows your creativity to FLOW!

This week has really flown by!  Remember, I will be moving from Blogger to Wordpress very soon, so be sure to sign up to receive an email for new posts! 


  1. So I decided to give this a try. I am new at this so they aren't great but I loved making them. I took your idea to heart about the hunting cookie. You can see them here:
    Thanks again for your awesome blog!

  2. bridget {bake at 350}June 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    I love those DAD cookies!  and the Angry Bird grad cookies!

  3. It may depend on the dough too, I am thinking. do you whill yours? Mine is
    soft so it cutes easitly and smoothly...kinda guessing. I wish I could
    watch ya...

  4. Hey Donna - except when you're going for the look - and I am most of the time - I want a pretty, even edge.  They are yummy, but we eat first with our eyes!
    Thanks Callye.  I've been using an exacto knife - maybe it's time for a new one?

  5. How wonderful! I just recently started making cookies in miniatures, so I'm very excited to have found your blog!

  6. My tip is to use a very sharp knife and keep it very vise to the template and keeping your fingers near the edges while you cut it. It takes quite a bit practice and is a bit slow going....

    Sent from my iPad

  7. i wouldn't worry about it Christy....heck, that's just a few more delicious crumbs to eat!  lol!  Unless you're entering them into a contest to win MOOLAH, don't worry 'bout it.  :)  i'm sure they're delicious...jagged edges or not.  :) 

  8. Great creativity! I love the look of each set=)

  9. Carroll's Cookies n CrumbsJune 20, 2011 at 12:31 PM

    All this doodling . . . no wonder you are a true cookie artist!  When I make templates (far simpler and never as creative as yours), I cover the paper in clear mailing tape, so it is preserved and will not start to pick up oils from the dough or begin to fray around the edges.  I can ten save them to use at another time.

  10. I love these cookies and your very cute doodles!!!

  11. Just want to say THANK YOU!!! Your talent is wonderful you are truly blessed! Your postings make my day! I have never had luck with sugar cookies. Rolling the dough is trauma time for me. Of course I have trouble with jello too. Yet I'm great at other things in the kitchen, so go figure. One day when I'm feeling really brave and my horoscope is good I'm gonna do those cowboy boots!  Hugs

  12. Another few batches of wonderful cookies Callye.  The angry bird grad cookies are adorable and the concert cookies are awesome.  They are all beautiful.  I'm in awe of your ability to do such wonderful work so consistently and so often.  I don't know where you find the time with your young family but truly happy that you do and that you share it all with us.

    p.s.  I have a drawer of templates, sketches, etc., that Ron doesn't go near and if he sees a piece that I haven't put away yet he always asks *do you need this?!  LOL

  13. These are perfect. You are so talented and generous - thank you. Can you tell me how thick you roll your cookies and do you have a trick for making them even? Thanks again for all you do!

  14. I'd like to be notified when you switch to wordpress.

  15. Just love your blog! You are an inspiration to us all. Just adore your work. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  16. Guess I should have read all the comments before posting my revolutionary packing tape tip!!

  17. see, Bea even beat me to the lamination tip!

  18. I have a tip to offer: when we use paper templates we sketch or copy onto heavy duty card stock. Before cutting we cover both sides of the paper with clear packing tape, then cut the shape. This makes the template sturdy and grease resistant, in case we want to use it again.
    Love the cookies Callye!!

  19. Nadia KalinichenkoJune 20, 2011 at 12:38 PM

    I love your blog!!!! Thank you for everything! 

  20. Callye - you're fantastic.  And you're generous - thank you for always sharing with us.

    I'm wondering how you avoid jagged edges when you cut by hand.  I make templates often, but my edges are always jaggedy - and I spend as much time smoothing them as I do cutting the cookies to begin with.  Do you have a trick? 

  21. thanks for this great post, but i have a question( sorry for my inglish, i´m from spain, and it´s so bad), the question is, when i tried to make the cookie with a templeate the dought seems to break all the time so, i have to remade the shape of the cookie,

  22. This is great, when I saw the cookies I had two thoughts. 
    1- Mad piping skills. 
    2- where am I going to find a cookie cutter shaped like THAT?
    you make things so easy! I'm glad I came around... otherwise I would've just bake plain and boring cookies for my dad.

  23. Nothing lasts foreverJune 20, 2011 at 12:38 PM

    Love the hello kitty set ! I had no any that you did templates before baking. Check out my blog :

  24. How in the heck is this the first time I have been to this site? And oh my gosh the retro platter... AMAZING... I love your scribbles and your decorating. The details are amazing! I love it!

  25. What a cute idea! I am definitely going to try this out for my birthday party!

  26. appreciate this idea very much! great job.

  27. Love it Callye! I love those flower cookies!

  28. Love your post! Dawn has a little file box with all her templates... she laminates them so she can use them many times, too! xox

  29. You are so talented!! I think my sweet tooth just kicked me! :)

  30. Such a good idea! My mom used to do this when she didn't have the right shape cutter for a project. My BF LOVES Angry Birds, I think you've just given me an idea for him :)

  31. I used to do that also Liat, but I haven't in a while. The parrot is the only laminated one...I think I'll go buy some contact paper today!!!

    Sent from my iPad

  32. I always cover my paper templates with clear packing tape, it protects the paper from getting all oily, and it lasts forever.
    Thank you for your great tutorials, you inspire all of us.

  33. You know, I was just sitting wondering how I was going to afford some new cookie cutters to make designs the other day. This has completely solved my dilemma, thanks so much hun!

  34. These are perfect!! I used a paper cutout to make Hello Kitty Cookies once! I love it, becasue its so personal!

  35. Where is your other website/blog link? 

    Micalah (

  36. I just did this last night for some tiny pointe shoes! Feel pretty silly though for not using card stock! Duh!


  38. The angry bird graduation cookies are soooo cool!!!   Everything else looks great too and to be done with paper templates wow!!!!

  39. I like stencil plastic a LOT...but it's no more at this walmart =( I should
    prolly at least do folders. One of my favorite sets of yours is almost all
    templates I think. The rainforest set. You know the one I'm talking about?

  40. I used to do this but Ive since switched to stencil plastic. :) I just buy a huge pack and get to cutting

  41. I absolutely agree! Some people HATE the salt I use, but I feel like it
    balances out the flavors and keeps it from being so bland! Yes, Cake
    Central is NOT NICE, but Antonia is =)

  42. Wow.  Talk about sour grapes=s  What is it with Cake Central?  I find their behavior contemptible and completely unprofessional.  As an artist you have every right to protect your work and question the policies of an organization at ANY given time. CC's team should have been gracious and simply overlooked the misunderstanding when you emailed and apologized.  Sorry Callye.

  43. Hey - I am sorry you are banned from cakecentral.  I used to go there a lot, but have since stopped.  The mood switched when it got huge.  The cookie recipe is the one antonia (who is so stinkin' nice) used in her tutorial that got me into cookies way back when.  It's actually from Kitchen Collectibles.  Here's the link:

    I like it with LorAnn's vanilla butternut.  I am a bad girl and use salted butter AND a generous teaspoon of kosher salt.  It gives the cookies a sweet/salty taste that goes really well with royal icing.

  44. Long story short, after they changed their policies right before the
    magazine, I and a whole group of ladies replaced our photos with a message
    saying we were uncomfy with the fact that we do not have the ability to
    delete without an admin's approval, especially since the policy was changed
    after we uploaded. It made them so angry they banned me. They let some of
    the others back in, and I emailed and appologized, AND called and begged,
    literally, and they blocked me. I cannot even access the site from any
    computer associated with me. THEN, they banned to poor lady who gave me a
    number to call {because in the beginning we were all sure it was a
    misunderstanding} ANYWAY, at this point, I dont care, I will just say, I
    have never been treated so poorly and unprofessionally in my life, and if
    that is how they do things there, I don't want to be a part of it.

  45. please forgive my "nosey-body-self" (lol!) but how do you get banned from cake central???  i mean, really?  do you pose that big of a threat?  how about we ban cake central and maybe throw some cookies at '! (wouldn't that be a sight?!?)  lol!  i'm sorry - that just burnt my cookies to read that.  :\ 
    oh well - don't feel obligated to answer sweetsugarbelle...i need some more caffeine.  :)

  46. I am banned from Cake Central, so if you get a chance, send me a copy. I am

  47. I use the NFSC recipe from Antonia74 on cakecentral.  Sometimes it's chilled.  Sometimes not.  (I am of absolutely no help to you at all.  Sorry.)  I am going to give your recipe a try when back from vacation and see how it works.  That might be the answer right there - it may just be that NFSC doesn't cut the same way. 
