
Tuesday, June 14

Bomb Pop Cookies

IT'S HOT HERE, and of course, this makes me think of popsicles again.  Specifically one of my favorites, BOMB POPS {really they are all my favorite, but I don't like to admit it}.

I have always had a love affair with Bomb Pops.  I actually tend to call them Astro Pops, but those are really suckers.

In any case, the popsicle version was a rare thing in my kid days.  Mom never bought them for us, because she said it took two hours for my brothers and I, {probably mostly me} to DEVOUR the whole box.  So for this Otter Pop kid, the ONLY time I had the pleasure of enjoying a bomb pop was in the summer, of course, on the occasion that I was visiting my Nanny, because she was VERY generous with the quarters AND because my REAL home was literally in the middle of nowhere.  No ice cream trucks out there, kids =(

ANYWAY, here is my obsession in cookie form.

I used a small baby bottle cutter like THIS ONE to make the actual cookie, and inserted cool little half-size popsicle sticks that I got at my local craft store.

To decorate Bomb Pop Cookies you will need:
  • black piping icing
  • red, white, and blue flood icing a tiny bit thinner than 20-second icing...maybe 17-second-ish
  • any color food color marker
These are not difficult, just tedious...

To begin, use the food color marker to divide your cookie into segments as pictured below.  This will help to keep them uniform as you decorate.

As you can see, I used my purple pen because I don't use it that much.  After the cookies were marked, I outlined them with black, using a #3 tip.  You can definitely use a #2 if you like.

Next, I began the flooding process.  The key is to fill alternating sections so that you get the definition of a real Bomb Pop.

Let them dry for 30-40 minutes {I prefer to use a fan} then come back and fill another section.

In hindsight, I could have done this in 3 steps, BUT, I've never been known for doing things the easy way.

Let that dry for a while, and then fill another section...

And after a bit more drying ANOTHER, and FINALLY they are finished! 

I probably didn't need all of the pictures, but I'm a visual person, so I like to really put it out there.

And for those of you who think it's mildly insane to do all the steps above this works just as well.  Same concept.  Three sections, fill the red and blue, come back, fill the white, let it dry, and use the black and a #1.5 or #2 tip to add lines.

And if you want yours to have a cute little bite taken out of it, I do this...{ignore the fact that these are watermelons rather than Bomb Pops}

Any, fluted edged cutter will work, by the way.

I hope that everyone out there is COOLER than I am!  Did I mention that it is disgustingly HOT here?

*Sigh* since I can't change that, I'll concentrate on cookies...

These are the first of MANY red, white and blue cookies to come in the weeks leading up to the fourth!  It's going to be a lot of fun, so get ready to DECORATE!

Oh yes, and if you are into the theme thing, you HAVE to see these BOMB POP cupcakes that my friend Kristan made.  How's THAT for a par-tay?!


  1. These were my FAVORITE in the summer! It is super hot here in OK too. How are we going to survive August?!

  2. These were my FAVORITE in the summer! It is super hot here in OK too. How are we going to survive August?!

  3. the 3D looks way better than the black lines , so it was worth your time!

  4. So, so cute. I love then. Thanks for a great post as always!

  5. As cute!

  6. They are about 1/4 of an inch thick I would guess. It deforems them a
    little to insert the stick. If you look at them un-iced, you can see
    where. I don't mind it though, I always fix it with icing. However, if you
    dont want to do that, would suggest attaching the stick after the fact with
    royal icing.

  7. These are awesome!  I love how you are always thinking beyond the cutter and using them for different ideas, other than what they are suggested to be used for!  Great job!

  8. How thick do you make your cookies? when you add the popsicle stick does it deform the cookie a little? I usually roll, cut and freeze right away my cookies, they are much easier to handle this way and they never deform. My problem is that it would be difficult to insert the stick when they are frozen, or I have to do that before I freeze them.

  9. LOL, Sylvie, if you saw where I lived you would think more along the lines
    of bored than patient, LOL! Tiny tiny town, and there are only so many
    times that I can go to Walmart before it stops being fun =)

  10. It's just amazing to me the way you even got the three dimensional aspect of the pops.  You are so talented, and obviously way more patient than me, lol.

  11. This is so fun.
    I hope it cools down a bit for you. Hugs ♥♥♥

  12. HAHAHA, I think it's blue raspberry! I like the lime and cherry best!

  13. Cristin, I HAVE to bake at night or we'd DIE =(

  14. ARGH! I am still kicking myself fo that! I aactually have a flag cookie
    tutorial waiting and ready to go, but I completely forgot it's flag day =(
    Still loveing those corn dogs. Ill email oyu the pics ehn I get mine
    uploaded. I SURE made easy HARD, LOL!

  15. Oh Callye!  LOVE THEM!!  The bite taken out is great also.  I have to do some like these.  Your amazing!! It's hot here in Arkansas too....It's miserable (but we don't have that Texas panhandle wind either!!)

  16. Oh my gosh these are sooooo adorable! Every time I read one of your posts, I just "have" to make cookies. I love that your mind works in overload of thinking of incredible things to bake and decorate. I don't know how you do it. I have a whole pile of designs I want to try out and can never fit them in! I'm not "allowed" to bake when it's too hot here. It's going to hit 90 in California today, thankfully I'm decorating cookies that I baked yesterday before it got too hot. Your bomb-pop cookies will definitely cool you and the kids off. Thanks for sharing your incredible ideas! I just love reading your posts every day!

  17. Erin @ Making MemoriesJune 20, 2011 at 1:14 PM

    Your cookies are awesome!!!!  You did an amazing job!!!

  18. Too stinkin' are a genius when it comes to "repurposing" cookie cutters!

  19. Lovely!  I'm also a visual person, so I'm very thankful for all the photos.  :)

  20. Oh, my favorite summer popsicle "cookiefied " Brilliant !!!

  21. these are soooo surprise!!!!

  22. Love these!!! Very creative!!!!

  23. These are just darling Callye! So perfect for the summer and the 4th of July!

  24. I love a bomb pop,actually more than I like sugar cookies (probably because I bake so many).  There is something about that first layer of red/cherry, the white/lemonade and then the blue....what is that flavor?! I am buying a box soon, my kids will be so excited!

  25. Carroll's Cookies n CrumbsJune 20, 2011 at 2:47 PM

    So funny, I would never have thought to use the bottle cutter or to fill in those stages.  That is why YOU are the cookie queen!  I think the bite is a cute touch.  Ironically, I have popsicle cookies sitting on the table now waiting for frosting.

  26. LOVE these, Callye! Especially perfect for today-Flag Day:)

  27. So so cute!! I want to make these for 4th of july :)

  28. I'm screeching here!  These are so darn fun and to think that you used a baby bottle cutter!  Ingenious.  Love, love, love them!

  29. I can't remember, do you have kids? If so, you must be the most popular mom in the whole city!! If not, I imagine that one day you will be.

    Every time I see your stuff, I get gob-smacked, and I'm not even British...

  30. Cute! I loved those when I was a girl. Thanks for sharing;)

  31. Nothing lasts foreverJune 20, 2011 at 3:19 PM

    I love them ! Check out my blog :
