
Monday, January 17

Wisdom comes from Experience

I have a rule.  It's one of the first things I tell aspiring cookie decorators, and my #1 cookie tip.  It's not cute or catchy, but it's 100% true, and the sooner you learn it, the sooner you will be on your way to becoming an awesome decorator.

So here it goes, SweetSugarBelle's #1 rule for decorating cookies...

*It is not about how well you decorate a cookie, it's about how well you can fix it, or come up with "plan B" when you screw up*

See?  I told you it wasn't catchy, but boy, oh boy, it's hard earned GOOD advice!!

I have been decorating for almost two years now, and there is one constant.  No matter how experienced I am, how well I plan, or how sure I am my newest great idea will work, things can still go wrong, and often they do.

Take this Friday for example...

Keep in mind, it's not always fun to broadcast your goofs for all the world to read, especially when it's almost unnoticeable after the fact...

But, just so people understand I am human, and that they really aren't crazy...royal icing DOES some funky things, I will make an exception.

Back to this weekend.  I was working on sock monkeys.  I'd made them before...

However, this weekend I wanted to try a little different design that I'd been toying with.  {Pardon the lack of photos, this was not a planned blog post, but rather a BLOG OF OPPORTUNITY} 

I got about here when I realized this was not what I should have done...

First of all, I wanted the brown areas "sanded" and I was in a hurry.  I didn't really have the time to wait for the hat and face to dry.  And as if that was not red icing was doing that funky mysterious thing it sometimes does, getting STICKY instead of dry. {Insert bad words}

Did I mention it was LATE {it had been one of those weeks} AND I needed them the next day?

I didn't have time to redo, or to even worry about it very long, so I  did what I do best.  I improvised.

Lots of my best ideas come from a big mistake or problem.  That's what happened in this case.

I needed to figure out a way to sand the brown area, without getting too much sugar on the sticky, stupid red. 

*I have another name for red icing that does that, but it's not appropriate blog language ;)*


So, this was my grand solution.  I preset the eyes in the wet brown flood icing.  I showed the tweezers just as a little FYI...

Then, I filled an icing bottle with a mixture of brown and white sanding sugar, picked out a cookie and said a little prayer!

Fortunately, this was a good night and IT WORKED!!!  {I don't even want to talk about that bad nights when it doesn't}

 Thank the Lord, crisis averted, happy ending.

Moral of the story is my #1 tip, again, for emphasis...

*It is not about how well you decorate a cookie, it's about how well you can fix it, or come up with "plan B" when you screw up*

Next time around, I will approach this cookie in a COMPLETELY different manner.  But last Friday night, that didn't matter.  What mattered was taking what I had and making it work.

It takes a little flexibility, but creative thinking is a "must have quality" for any decorator. 

Actually, it's a good life rule in general. 

Think Apollo ended well because of  people who didn't give up and thought of solutions...I like that.

Try to practice this in the next few weeks.  You will be surprised how many great cookies come from unexpected little oopsies!

Happy Monday, everyone!  Here's to a good week!   


  1. Love this post, Callye! Great advice for life!!! Oh... and I love the COOKIES!

  2. Life is all about how you handle Plan B! Love your designs and your ability to improvise!
    Melissa from DC

  3. I think you did a great job... just wish my boo-boos were as fixable as yours. Of course you know what you are doing, right?


  4. You take Plan B and make it look like most people's Plan A! Great post as always Callye. PS - My heat lamp would have had the red and white dried enough with 15 mins or so..... I sooo love my heat lamp... :)

  5. ...but then again - I don't think my red has ever done the sticky thing.... it's done the darkened areas thing but not sticky -- did it dry in the end?




  7. Adorable!
    & I can totally relate-- cakes are the same way! And really, for most things, only *we* really know what the 'plan a' was! People are thrilled and we learn a little lesson!

    The creative process, like life, isn't always about what we learn to do... Sometimes it's what we learn not to do! :-)

  8. Oh no! I hope I didn't jinx you when I asked you about my red icing not drying!! I HATE when that happens!!! I never found the cause, but I suspect that it was because I put too much red dye in the icing. Live and learn!

  9. Great post! And I absolutely agree...I decorate both cookies and cakes (cakes were first for me) and that was the biggest rule of thumb for me, too. It's all about knowing how to cover up or fix the mistakes! :D Your sock monkeys are adorable, btw!

  10. Great tip! Your natural creativity goes a long way. I am not nearly as creative, and don't know if creativity can be "acquired", but I'm trying. Your sock monkeys turned out GREAT!

  11. @Brenda. I try to look like I do, lol...

    @J its the worst! I love heatlamps...

    @Loren...Hahaha, its been twice lately! It's either that our oil in the icing...think its too much color though!

    Ps that tool is an exacto knife that slips around ur finger for'll see it in action next Thursday or them!

    Thanks Mae cakes for me LOL, I make unhideable boo boos!

  12. I use the heat lamp thanks to "East Coast Cookies", works like a charm.....

  13. I was wondering what shapes you put together to make your sock monkey? It looks like it was pieced together. After reading your posts about being creative with different cutters I'm trying to train my mind to see how the shapes can go together. It's hard! Thanks for all the inspiration. Great work!

  14. #1...I can't believe you have only been doing this two years..amazing!
    #2...I wish my "mistakes" could be covered up as well as yours...sigh!
    #3...I need to know about this "heat lamp" thing...please share!
    #4...Mistake or not, I LOVE your sock monkeys...thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Ok, I just ordered my wrap around your finger exacto knife... so I am ready to go!!

  16. These are so adorable!!! I love them!!! My mistakes are usually a catastrophe. You are so amazing! I just love how you think outside the box.

  17. Great Post, Thank a lot for sharing.

  18. While I know you may feel embarassed to post your "screw ups" (not a screw up in my opinion) it makes the rest of us less talented folks feel like we have a chance to improve and that our screw ups are normal! Thanks for showing us you are a regular gal!

  19. I feel my blood pressure rising just imagining what you were going through! Cookies are so stressful! But they are adorable- great job!

  20. I love when I receive your post Callye! Fantastic job. Your work always looks so perfect. It's nice to hear that even when everything looks perfect, you really are human. Thanks for sharing and your sock monkeys are so adorable!

  21. girl! I love the sugar version personally! And I use those little black pearls ALL THE TIME for eyes! Saves me the trouble of mixing black icing for such a small detail half the time! Great post!

  22. So Cute. Always have plan B and C at the ready! Great post, especially for us beginners!

  23. I remember a year ago when you told me the "plan B" statement and I think of it at least once a day! It was one of the most important lessons that you taught me :) I must say...the black balls for eyes are going to be a close second! Especially because I always get the dreaded hole in them.

    I also wanted to share my new find! I use the oven on 170 degrees to dry my icing. It works so amazing! Try it!

  24. Great way to deal with unforeseen! Awesom plan B :O)
    In fact a fantastic attitude :O) Also trying to sniff roses that surround us

  25. hi.!!
    incredibly beautiful cookies:))

  26. Great advice! Will keep that in mind. =)

  27. These are adorable. Thanks for putting our minds into plan "B" mode. As a beginner to cookies this will be valuable advise. I love the black pearls....mind sharing where you get them? Also, heat lamp what....from food supply or what???? Thanks again for such a great post!

  28. They look great. Your sock monkey's are so cute!

  29. Just found your blog. My gosh you are one talented cookie gal! Your monkeys are adorable! I just posted a cookie tip on my blog today about solving a problem. I so understand what you said. Loved the idea of putting the sugar in a container. :)

  30. Callye - You never cease to amaze me! I learn so much from you. The sanding sugar in a sqeeze bottle is what would be, as Oprah would say, an "AHH HAH" moment. Thank you!!

  31. What great advice and once again AMAZING cookies! So what do you think it is that causes the icing to remain sticky and not dry? And did That happened to me once where it totally never did dry (well at least after two days when I had to give them away) and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I really don't think that I added too much water during thinning... it was as thick as usual...

  32. I love sock monkeys! I adore your sock monkey cookies and your philosophy on cookie decorating can be applied to life in general. LOL Great cookies.

  33. I'm amazed how come you seem to have the right cutter for every design you do?!

    Do you ever handcut the shapes, even when you have many cookies to do?

  34. I have at least a thousand cutters. However I never seem to hqge the right one. I handcut, use my shapes creatively and piece bake :-)
