
Friday, January 14

Don't Be a Cookie Cutter Snob!

When I first began my cookie adventure, I was CLUELESS!  I had a few cutters, and I definitely wanted more.  So, anytime I had any extra money, I would invest in a copper cookie cutter.

Something about them felt so special!  They were heavy and shiny and they even had a little stamp.  Definitely something special...

*Then I got wise*

Don't get me wrong, if my house caught fire, I have a few copper cutters that I'd rescue right after my children. However, if you're interested in creative baking, and have a cookie obsession like mine, it's ESSENTIAL to look at every cutter as a possible tool.  If I only used copper cutters, I would have invested enough money to buy a small car by now, not to mention shipping, which brings me to my point...


These came right out of good ol' Dollar General.  When you live in a town as small like I do, you do what you gotta do...

I was shopping with a friend when I found these.  As soon as I grabbed them she wrinkled her nose and said, "Ewe, those lips are WEIRD!"

She was right,  They weren't your average lips, but I'd struck gold!

A few months ago a good baking buddy of mine made the cutest Twilight cupcake toppers, lips with fangs.  I'd been meaning to try them, but my vision was a little different, so put them off to avoid the hassle of hand cutting lips with an OPEN mouth. Then, by chance luck stepped in and I found the perfect cutter.

This usually happens after I make a set of cookies, so I was thrilled.  Plus, I love the "X" and already have plans for that one!
So you see, snobbiness never pays.  In most cases, a cutter is a cutter.  I treasure my beloved copper wonders, and I am probably going to order one from Ecrandal this morning, but I also know that baking is more than just perfect cutters and equipment.  It has a lot to do with thinking on your feet, and working with what you have. These are the cookies I used my new cutter for. 

I'd planned on adding a tongue, but the first one looked a little "KISS-ISH" so Bern Dogg ate it =)

They are a little different from others that I have made, but I like 'em =)

Speaking of others, I have a LONG history with Twilight cookies...funny thing is, I have never even watched an entire movie.  I leave that to my hubby. {Hope he doesn't kill me for telling everyone he's a Twilight fan!}

And, just in case anyone is wondering, I plan on announcing the winner of my ultimate decorating kit by Sunday, so everyone stay tuned!

Have a wonderful weekend and happy decorating!!!


  1. You do know that after seeing your cookies, Dollar General is going to sell OUT of the cookie cutters, right?! So cute, and you are right, I would buy them just for the lips alone because they are different than I have ever seen!

    TFS, as always!

  2. incredible!!
    Did you use airbrush spray for the wolf cookies?

    and I am so not a cutter snob, i take what I can get and the cheaper the better :)

  3. I think like you do and buy my cutters anywhere I can get them and the dollor store (or 1 euro store where I live) is a favorite stop. Now if I could only do half of what you do with them. Sigh!

    I am not a Twilight fan but I have to say these cookies are flat out exquisite, sure to make any Twihard ecstatic. Gorgeous enough to make me want to convert.

  4. WOW!!! I hardly can close my mouth. What a stuning collection of cookies, OMG. You work is amazing. And you piping work... AMAZING.

  5. The lip cookie cutter was perfect for those darling fang cookies you made. Don't you love it when those things happen? You do A-MAZ-ING work! I'm just in awe every time I pop over to your site!



  7. Eh, the movies are nothing special. The books are what are addictive. If you're a sucker for a cheesy love story.

    The cookies are amazing. As usual. I just stare at some of them totally baffled by the technique.


  8. I love your Twilight cookies! =) You should watch the movie, it's fun! ;) And I'm definitely Team Edward. ;D heehee

  9. Awesome Cookies!! Those lips are perfect for Dairy Queen Lips too! Team Edward!! How long did it take you to make all the cookies??

  10. The book cover ones are amazing! A friend on mine on Team Edward would love these! I personally, haven't read any of the books or seen the movies. But I certainly admire them in cookie form :)

  11. Again...You never disappoint! Terri is right cause I am going to Dollar General this morning before work! I have about 4 stores (in my vicinity) I can check so I hope my luck is good in that department. You really are amazing! You and Karen gave this girl a wonderful hobby and I really appreciate you and thank you for that.

  12. I would give anything to decorate like you do. But since I can't... I enjoy seeing your creations so much. You have such an amazing talent both mentally and physically. Please keep giving us a "cookie a day" if you can. I also find my cutters with inspiration not $$.

  13. Whew! Glad to hear that. Now I'm not worried about those cutters in your stocking that were clearance at Tuesday Morning! ha ha

  14. Wheeee! I bought that same set of cookie cutters at my Dollar General yesterday...yay!!

    I don't think I have every commented on your blog...but oh my...your work is amazing! You are such an inspiration to little cookie bakers like myself. I have linked to your blog before in some of my posts when I got the idea from you...most recently the Micky Mouse cookies =)

    Have a happy weekend! Happy baking and cookie making!!

  15. Callye you could make beautiful cookies cutting them out with plastic spoon. Hugs xo

  16. I'm a huge Twilight fan and I'm not afraid to admit it :) These cookies are amazing.. I am so impressed! I always buy the cookie cutters I find in the dollar store and now I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! ha

  17. Speechless in Cancun...

    Your work is AMAZING... can I bribe my husband for a full schollarship at Seminole's COOKIE University? xox

  18. wow! you are so amazing and so creative and such a genius! I would have never thought of using that lip cutters into and open mouth with fangs! Kudos to you my dear! You just never cease to amaze me everytime!

  19. I love the scrollwork on the twilight cookies! It's beautiful! Is there luster dust on the hearts? I love the color.

  20. Team Edward (and Jasper)!! LOVE the Twilight cookies! Seriously - how did you get them so perfect? Did you use a projector for the writing and wolf?

  21. Those are amazing!! I'm going to the Dollar General today! Hope I find them!! (thankfully we have 2 in my town, and my husband passes one on his way home!! Chances are good!! lol!)

    And I'm totally a Twilight girl...Team Jacob!!! :)

  22. So glad to know that plastic cutters are just as good! I'm so new to this, and maybe in 10 yrs I might be 1/2 as talented as you!! I love that you think 'outside the cutter'!

    Great work is an understatement!

  23. Those weird looking lips made perfect I'm about to bite your neck mouths! Awesome!
    I can't help myself. I always stop when I pass a dollar store to check out the cookie cutters and silicone ice cube trays. They don't have to be expensive or fancy to cut through dough and even the cheap (very low heat resistent) silicone ice cube trays work for molding chocolate. :)

  24. Your twilight cookies are so great. I haven't seen it either!
    I'm no cookie cutter snob, I have lips that are plastic too and LOVE how they look. I love how you made fangs!!!

  25. I am one of the few that didn't care for Twilight(the book), but I definitely LOVE your cookies! Exceptional! Thanks for always finding such great links(etc...)for us! Happy weekend!

  26. I have some beautiful and special cutters that don't do as well as some of the cheap ones. Who knows? Your work is amazing.

    Plan B

  27. These are adorable!! I love your lettering!!

  28. Suddenly I love Twilight! But actually, I was thinking Rocky Horror lips, I guess that's my generation. I have been a cutter snob and invested heavily in MS old line of enormous copper cutters. One batch of dough makes like 6 cookies, it's ridiculous. Now I buy them everywhere...but I did have an odiferous experience with some "copper" cutters from India, not sure what all the alloys are in those things, but they smell faves though are the handmade ones that are 100 years old I found in an old box in Grandma's attic...

  29. All of your cookies are awesome, so beautifully decorated!

    As for the *lips* cutter. Just goes to show you what a creative mind can do with a little plastic *weird* shaped Dollar General cookie cutter.

    As in everything else, you pay more for *name* brand items but sometimes, the less expensive ones give you a just as good, if not better, return on your investment!

  30. Dollar store finds make me squeal with delight! I was thinking the lips could pass for the Rolling Stones lips (logo). Did you brush the moon with luster dust? I love the effect! Gorgeous work as always.

  31. great post! I was actually looking for a lip cutter just like that! Now I know where to go! :) I love cheap cookie cutters! Even the cheap metal ones! Then I can bend them however I want! Try THAT with a copper cutter! (And yes, I love my copper cutters too....especially my ecrandals)

  32. Love the Twilight cookies.....don't bother with the movies, just stick to the books~!

  33. oh, and I think those lips remind me of the shape of the head of the guy in Operation. remember that game?

  34. I went and checked two dollar stores and they didn't have these :(

  35. WOW!!! those cookies are AMAZING!!!! :) I agree with getting cookie cutters anywhere! I wouldnt have any if i only got copper! lol

  36. omg i want some of those cookies!!!
    i envy how you make them turn out so perfectly...and hey! i'm a twilight fan too... imagine my jealousy..
    wish i win the giveaway though. :)

  37. how did you do that orange/red gradient in the circle cookies? that's so cool...

  38. I love the cookies and OMG I am a cookie cutter snob!!!! of the worst kind!! Look forward to reading more of your posts!
    Donna @

  39. Got my cutters at Dollar General today. If you can't find them at one ...go to another. I was told they put them out the day AFTER Christmas!!! That's too early but then again, every store gets stuff out earlier and earlier.

  40. I so agree! In fact, I really like plastic cookie cutters because they never bend out of shape, and they wash great in the dish washer. Love those lips!

  41. I love these! So awesome!

  42. This was a great post. I used to feel bad that I didn't have copper cutters. They're so expensive and generally limited in designs but you made me feel so much better. Thanks for seeing the beauty in everything - even plastic cutters that look weird off-hand become magic in yours.
    I have about 200 cutters made of tin and plastic and would love to have a collection like yours one day.
    You're such an inspiration.

  43. i just had to go by Dollar General on my way home from work and purchase the cookie cutters. Hope I can somewhat recreate what you have done with the lips.. highly unlikely. My grandson thinks my cookies look great, but the love of a child for his grandmother is unconditional right?

  44. Wow! These are amazing! My favourite...the fangs! Do you use a Kopykake projector? And by the way...I am all for the dollar store cutters!

  45. Thanks girls. Byob get the color I use.the food color spray. This is red. I do have a kopykake, Melissa...

  46. Your cookies are just AMAZING!!!!!!

  47. OMG! The Twilight cookies are amazing!!! I'm Team Edward all the way and will have to contact you for my next Twilight party!!

  48. Wow Callye! Can't believe how many comments are here!
    I used to use only copper cutters too, and if you consider how much it costs to have a custom cutter made....I have some that cost $75 (that I rarely use).
    Thankfully I've figured out how to make my own.
    I'm NOT a Twilight fan, but a SUPER FAN of you and your cookies. Very nice work sista!!

  49. I actually looked for cookie cutters in the dollar store after reading this but was not impressed with their Valentine Day collection at all. A couple hearts and some teeny bears. Okayyyyyyyyyy. Have a huge collection of hearts and don't want teeny bears. I will keep an eye out on them though.

  50. These are truly amazing. You are talented beyond belief girl! And I love the cookie cutter info... right on!

  51. are you kidding me? these are AMAZING!!!

    not a cutter snob here!! lol......Headed to DG today!!

  52. Ha!! I just saw this post today.... and bought those same cutters at dollar general a few day ago..only for the lip cutter...kind wierd look..but a cute little pucker lip would be cute..right??
