
Saturday, January 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR {for real this time}

Happy New Year everyone!  For real this time!  I didn't plan on posting again for a day or three, but sometimes ideas just happen.

This one came to me while I was doing my pre-New Year dinner shopping. My oldest son LOVES beans. However, the younger two, not so much. Pinto beans are pushing it, so any parent can imagine their HORROR when I mentioned black-eyed peas were on the menu. As soon as I dropped the bag into the basket the yearly, " I am not eating THAT," whine-fest began.

Normally, this would have irritated me, but on this particular day, it gave me the BEST idea. I would TRICK them into eating their New Year staple!

This is what I came up with...

They are black-eyed peas, so they ought to cover the tradition, right?

*Don't panic mom, I will make them eat at least five real ones*

Seriously, that was the plan all along.


 My kids will do almost anything for a cookie.

I was all around unsure about this cookie when I started. First of all, I didn't know how well a black-eye pea would translate to a cookie. There is a very fine line between creative and UGLY. So, before embarrassing myself, I sent a quick phone pic to my buddy, L, and got the thumbs up.  She knew EXACTLY what they were.

Luckily, I happen to own a jelly bean cutter, and even though it always looked like a kidney to me {there IS such a thing as a kidney cookie} I knew it would work perfectly as a bean.

On a BAD note, I might have broken my resolution for no ugly cookies.  Bottom line, black-eyed peas just aren't cute...unless maybe I gave them a face...but, um, not today.

However, since I was experimenting, I tried out a recipe I have been dreaming up for a while now.  I made lemon poppy seed cookies, with lemon royal icing.

*Hope no one is too disappointed that my black-eye pea cookies aren't black-eye pea flavored*

I wasn't sure about the combo at first, but they are Bern Dogg's new favorite, so I KNOW they are pretty darn good.  But, just to double check, I might post my recipe soon, so I can get outside input.

Happy New Year, everyone, be safe and make it a good year!


  1. lol I adore these but you know me! <3 Happy New Year, my beautiful friend

  2. I think these turned out awesome. And on a GOOD note, it's still the 31st so you haven't broken that resolution yet. It doesn't apply til midnight.

  3. Love it! That is my kind of black eyed pea!

  4. HAHAHA, ur right, Grimmy! Blogger HATES me, LOL!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. LOVE me some BEP!!! And this idea is SO fun! I'd never have thought to do that. Well done, my friend. And BTW....they are NOT ugly cookies!!

    Happy New Year to you!

  7. Sorry...saw a blatant typo after I posted so I deleted! Your brothers would be thrilled with this idea. They hate black eye peas! And I don't think they are ugly at all! I love 'em!

  8. I waited up to see what you had in store. You are just so cute and creative! Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Year Callye!!! I agree with your kids on eating BEP. My mom and grandma would try to get me to eat them every year but I have always refused. I would eat your BEP cookie in a heartbeat:) You are so creative. These cookies is adorable and the word "ugly" would never be used to describe them:)

  10. as usual too flippin cute!!! girl i soooo wish i had your energy! happy new year to you and your family. i can hardly wait to see what cookies next year brings cause even your ugly cookies (pshttt!! whatever) are adorable!

  11. They are not ugly, they are brilliant! I would love a jelly bean cutter... :)

  12. I knew what it was right away........but I still hate black eyed peas! For a cookie, I agree with your son....I might eat FIVE. Maybe you need to send your pick to the Black Eyed Pea council, might get people to actually EAT them on New Years, not stir them around their plate!

    Do post the lemon poppyseed....I am making a version of Alton Brown's "the chewy" today, but making it dark chocolate sour cherry instead. But I need another recipe!


  13. heehee fun idea! I HEART lemon poppy seed! Happy New Year!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  14. I must say that I am totally bummed that they don't actually taste like black eye peas... ok, not really. Glad to hear that the new cookie is delish!

  15. LOL I think these are awesome. Yep, my daughter would eat that sort of black eyed pea! Lemon is our favourite cookie flavour around here - I never thought of adding poppy seeds. I actually did kidney cookies once too, as a gift for my friend who had had hers removed. But the one you linked to from Ali's Sweet Treats is waaaaaay better than mine were!

  16. those are awesome! You are so creative!

  17. Happy new year, your cookies are beautifull!

  18. Ok, I beg to differ - those black-eyed pea cookies are adorable. Seriously! I can't get over it. AND you are absolutely amazing - I saw your spotlight on Taste and Tell and have been jaw-dropping through all your posts!
