
Friday, December 31

The BEST of 2010

I have mentioned several times that by some crazy twist of fate, I joined Flickr at the beginning of my cookie journey.  It was there that I met some of the most talented, kind, giving, AMAZINGLY gifted people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, so, for my last post of the year, I thought there would be no better way to end it, than introduce others to the amazing talent that I have had the privelege of learning from and with over the past two years.  These artisans are truly among the best!

*To VIEW MORE from my friends, click on their photos and it will take you directly to their sites*

This was probably my favorite cookie of the year...the design, the piping...HUMBLING!

There aren't even words to describe Kylie's creativity.  This is just the tip of the iceberg!

I want to be like Ali when I grow up... 

And Glory, is in a league of her own!

Landa taught me all of my favorite tricks, and is FEARLESS about trying difficult designs.  I love these deceptively simple flowers.  They are not forgiving when it comes to goofs...this is GOOD work! 

Bea makes beautiful cookies with limited access to supplies.  I LOVE this set SOOOOO much!

Everything Hani makes is like fine art and her pictures are GORGEOUS. 

Holly is an ARTIST in more ways than one...more on that later!

My friend Asya does not spend a lot of time making cookies, but when she does, she makes things like this...totally impressive!

And Jody, the maker of one of my favorite chocolate cookies, AND the woman who thinks like I do.  We are often a day or two off on design ideas, LOL! 

Bren is talent through and through.  This is my all time favorite Christmas cookie duo!

Don't tell me you can't get details with glaze...Dawn stomps that theory right into the ground!

 Perfection and a great eye for design, all in one package!  EVERYTHING she makes is like this!

Scott is the guy who knocked my socks off this year with one single cookie.  I have a goal to convert him to a full time cookier by 2012 =)

I could write a book on my favorites from Pam...BUT I chose this photo because it illustrates how she can take an ordinary cookie and use creativity to make it EXTRAORDINARY!

I wish Nancy would give me her "less is more" magic touch...She knows just what needs to be done.  I tend to over-do, LOL!

Y'all have already met Daniela!  I love her eye for design, AND how perfect all of her cookies are!!!

Sweet and talented Beka...beautiful cookies and a heart of gold!

Andrea just opened a bakery!  It's gorgeous just like her cookies.  I love this cookie idea, and I envy her perfect piping!

Laura is a veteran.  She has probably done this longer than any of us, and is really a "big deal" in the cookie world...and she ships too!

Lisa has a talent for coming up with the most unique cookie designs and making them happen.  I love her individual cookies AND her collections!

Kim makes one of my favorite cookies to eat, and makes miracles with her top-secret icing (Don't ask, she won't tell, I've tried, LOL).  I love her talent for creative interpretations of themes.

 Okay, Johnna has been making cookies like this for two years without a Kitchen-aid OR a KopyKake!  I might be a little (or a lot) envious of that =) *she finally got a Kitchen-aid, though*

It's no secret that Maryann is my IDOL, hands down.  We will definitely be seeing more of her in 2011!

This woman is talented and has the best heart...and she builds cookie sculptures...WOW!

These were another beautiful cookie collection I could not get out of my head!  Cuteness!

And my second idol, Myri!  I love how her her cookies really reflect her Mexican heritage.  She is the creator of two of my all time favorite cookies, this being one of them!!!

Now off to work on some funny NYD cookies, in a funny shape and theme...I hope they make you giggle!  See everyone next year!


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!Fantastic post, I love all them!!!!You're an amazing artist,thanks for showing your beautiful creations and other wonderful cookies too. Happy new year from Mallorca, Spain!!!!



  3. What a gorgeous Collection.
    Thanks for including my humble cookies.

    It looks like you forgot to include someone - YOURSELF

    Happy New New Year Callye.

  4. Thanks for sharing, now I have much to goal for;)
    Happy New Year to all cookiemakers out there.

  5. WOW...without doubt the most beautiful collection of cookies I have ever seen. Wish I had a fraction of all these ladie's (YOU included of course) talent. I keep telling myself practice, practice, practice and I have to remind myself I have only been doing this less than a year. Maybe someday....sigh!

    Thanks so much for sharing what you create! Happy New Year!

  6. Callye, thank you for including my picture:) It is such an honor to be included with the incredibly talented Flickr Group.

    I agree with Hani, where is your pictures?

    Happy New Year!

  7. Thanks for the great round up, now I have a million new blogs to scope out! :)

  8. Awww.....I'm honored to be among such amazing women.....and incredible cookie decorating. And YOU are TOP on that list, my dear. Happy New Year to sweet sweet Callye. :)

  9. These are some of the most gorgeous cookies ever! The amount of time that goes into these is incredible!! Great job ladies and thanks Callye for showcasing!

  10. Aww Callye. Im so honored to be thrown in here with some great cookie artists. You did forget yourself.

  11. WOW!!!! That's all I can say. And, you have GOT TO STOP posting these interesting posts! I can't get away from my computer!

  12. Thanks for including me Callye, and thanks for being such an inspiration to me all year! Happy Happy 2011, it's going to be your year!!

  13. Awww!!! I'm honoured to be among such talented COOKIE artists, and I thank you for including me on this list, Callye! Congrats to all of you ladies and here's to a 2011 full of COOKIES and fun!! xx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. what a wonderful post…so many truly creative & talented peeps out there!
    happy, glorious, peace filled new year!
    all the best!

  16. GEEZ! So much talent...inspiring!
    And humbling to be included in such company.
    Thanks Callye, for sparking my interest and passion for cookies, and to everyone for helping an aspiring cookie artist to better my skills!
    It's been a fun start, looking forward to so much more in 2011!
    Happy New Year y'all!!!

  17. WOW!! I truely enjoy reading your blog.
    What an inspiration to all!
    Happy New Year and best wishes in 2011!

  18. What a great post! Lots of talent. I'm looking forward to getting to know some new cookie decorators, yippee!
    Have a wonderful New Years!

  19. Thanks Callye you are so sweet, what an honor to be featured amongst such talent. I wish you & your family health & happiness in the new year. I am so looking forward to September 2011 xo

  20. I am so happy to see that the cookie my niece Lisa (SUGA') made for my daughter's wedding on the beach in Florida this past October made your best of 2010 list! Not only were they truly a work of art, they were fabulous and made wonderful favors for the guests. Even though Lisa couldn't make the wedding she shipped the cookies down to us and they arrived in perfect condition and were a huge hit! I truly enjoyed looking at all the Best of 2010 cookies. I am so glad there are so many talented cookie artisans out there, because some of us just don't have that talent!

  21. Thank you, Queen of Queens!! I'm just happy to know all of these talented ladies, let alone be included. You are all an inspiration!
    Happy New Year!

  22. Fantastic collection all in one place-thanks! I'm going crazy over all these amazing cookies! YOU need to be on this list, of course! Happy New Year!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Blogger hates me! It doesn't let me to add my profile picture!... Ok, here I go again, even without my pic :D

    You have no idea how many times I tried yesterday to write the right words to let you know how thankful I am to meet you. I had never met a more generous girl than you, you spend a lot of your time supporting people that you do not know in person, but that somehow we are part of your life, thanks for letting us be part of it. I know your good attitude will take you away, sooner or later you will get your reward for being such a good friend. I thank God for having the good fortune to meet you, I look forward to the day we met in person. Thank you for considering my work worthy of sharing space with such wonderful artists, I feel like I have been elected by royalty! Definitely I missed your work here because you are the queen of queens! Happy New Year sweet Callye, I bet this one will be yours!

    Sophie, Down Under :-)

  26. Callye - Thank you so much for including my cookies along with all these fantastic decorators! Your blog AND your cookies are wonderful and I almost feel famous to be a part of todays post! I wish you the very best in 2011! Happy New Year! Kim

  27. I am proud to call each and every one of u friend, and have learned so.much from all of you! Here's tobacco great new year...

  28. Does Bren not have a blog or flickr? That batch of dough with the comfort grip cookie cutter and cut cookies is KILLING ME. Every single cookie on this page is amazing, but that dough cookie is absolutely putting me over the edge. I have never seen anything so cute.

  29. Jenny! I am so glad you noticed! Bren's photo link was broken! I fixed it now and it leads right to her flickr...she also has a blog...

    I agree with you. When I saw that dough cookie, I was beside myself. I was just in awe...Bren does that to me a lot...Her latest cookie is a big fluffy kitty tangled in lights...that one got me too!!! Drop by her blog and tell her you think she is awsome! That would make her day =)

  30. What a wonderful post. You should have included yourself. You have such a talent, it's unreal(:

  31. I love you Callye. You complete me :) haha!

    Thank you for doing me such an honor by mentioning me with such I fine bunch of decorators! I am really humbled. :)

  32. Hi Callye,
    I came across your blog through your guest post on Sweetopia. Love, love, love this post. I have already visited so many of the links. There are so many talented cookie decorators out there! I think that we should all get together somehow, someday! I can't wait to explore your older posts. Happy New Year!
    Melissa ;)
    p.s. How do you pronounce your name?
