
Thursday, June 16

Making a Paper Cookie Stencil

Today I have another little tip to simplify your Father's Day cookie decorating. 

You don't need blessed hands to perfectly pipe designs onto a cookie. It just takes a little thought, planning, and practice.

Of course, I own a necktie cookie cutter, but I had some leftover cookies that needed to be decorated, so rather than make a whole new batch, I made them work for what I had in mind.

These are a little simpler than a lot of the cookies I decorate, but that's the point.  This is a technique that is good for anyone and any design, beginner to advanced, simple to complex.

If you want fully iced cookies, take a minute to outline and fill your cookies the day before decorating and  let them dry overnight.

In the meantime, sketch an image, or find one online that you like and size it smaller than the cookie you will be working on.

Use an Exacto knife to cut out the image, and you will be left with a perfect little stencil.

I use card stock for this, because it's sturdier, and also, because in this case I prefer paper over plastic because it has more traction on the smooth icing. 

However, if you are planning on using this as a stencil for spreading royal icing, it will have to be made from stencil paper, which you can find at craft stores and in lots of Walmarts.

To make these cookies you will need:
  • flooded cookies, dry and ready to decorate
  • food color marker {I used the same color I planned on piping the outline with}
  • a small stencil, handmade or store bought
  • black piping icing
  • flood icing in your choice of colors

Now here we GO!

Before I get into this I need to brag a little.  Notice that I am able to hold the stencil, pipe, and take a photo?
I WISH I was that good, but I'm not. It's an illusion.  The truth is that the photos where I am using both
hands were taken by my seven year old. 

What a strange life the children of bloggers must have.  Can you imagine how THAT conversation goes at school? 

"My mommy works at the bank. They have candy there."

"How strange.  My mom makes cookies all day and goes all over the house taking hundreds and hundreds of pictures of them."

Unconventional, maybe a little, but one of these days when I am the mom of a world-famous food photographer, I'll know where he got his start.

Anyway, I drift...

Back to COOKIES.  This technique is as simple as placing the stencil on the top of the cookie, ensuring it's centered, and tracing around it with the food color pen.

Carefully lift the stencil straight up off of the cookie, keeping in mind that if you slide it around, it will smudge.

Then pipe around it with black icing and a #1.5 or #2 tip. 

The photo below is another SuperKid masterpiece.  I am pretty proud of this one!

Let the outline dry {Little Bit took this pic too},

then decorate however you like!  Simple, yes, fun, yes, and you can use this idea to make any design you'd like!

Perfection, and you don't even need a KopyKake projector.

For a similar project, click HERE.

Father's Day is almost here.  What will you be doing for the dads in your life?


  1. So colourful! The cookies will go well with the handmade Father's Day card that I have made :)

  2. bridget {bake at 350}June 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    I love this technique!  Great idea! 

  3. I love that you are so willing to share your ideas with us...thank you! Because of your tutorials, I can decorate cookies that turn out pretty decent, and my family is impressed!

  4. These are lovely, Sugarbelle!  I very much enjoy seeing how you use your own custom templates to make unique cookies - it shows so much imagination :D

    Thank you again for swinging my little blog earlier and for commenting on my Starcraft II cookies.  You are constantly an inspiration to me!

  5. Great idea, I love getting your blog posts everyday!  How do you avoid the black bleeding into your other colours.  Lately my black's been bleeind a ton, and I'm leaving it to dry overnight to try and help prevent it.  Any tips? Thanks!

  6. Perfect as always Callye! Thanks for sharing! 

  7. Love ya too BEA! Not long til CAMP!!!

  8. SCOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! I have been wondering wher you have
    been!!!! Im glad your working but I missed ya!!!

  9. Teri@thefreshmancookJune 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    These are beautiful and look so fun! Thanks for the detailed instructions. I am going to try some this weekend.Thanks for a great post~as always!

  10. Great tips as usual! Love your COOKIE mode mind... xox

  11. Love this! Going to be using this very idea for stenciling my cookies this week :) cheap manilla folders are our friends!

  12. I just want to begin by saying I love your work. You make it look so easy.  As far as fathers day I plan on spending it with my hubby, 2 yr old and 1 wk old daughters. I told him his kids are his gift, hehe. 

  13. these are great!!!  Perfect project for kids to start to decorating too!
    (yet another book you should write!!!  Cookie decorating for kids!)

  14. I LOVE your it everyday.I would like to know where you purchased the oval scalloped cookie cutter.

  15. I just love your blog and all your ideas that come with it :)
    Favor...I need a horse cookie cutter in a crunch, any ideas??? It can be just a face, whole body, cartoon-ish, whatever. I've seen a few of your western/country cookies and know you've made a few horses before. What cutter did you use?

  16. Thanks for your great ideas!  I am going to try this one~

  17. LOVE EM!!   Can I ask tho --- how did you frost the cookie to get the ridge around the edge??? Thanks for all your tutorials -- makes my life a little easier!! =)

  18. gorgeous! nice kid photography ;D

  19. There are several brands, faves being americolor and Wilton. If michaels doesn't have the Wilton brand, walmart should, otherwise try your local cake store or you can order from Karens cookies, country kitchen, fancy flours....ect

    Sent from my iPad

  20. what a great idea! You may have answered this before, but where would I find a food color pen? I've never seen them at michael's, etc. Thanks!!

  21. Wow, thank you so are such an inspiration to me.....

  22. This idea is so simple, but yet I never thought of it. Thanks for sharing! I love it and will for sure use it!

  23. Adorable, yet simple!  I love the photos your son took! How precious. I too have used my kids for photographing me when I make tutorials (I have a stamping/card making blog) It's kinda comical thinking back on it!

    Love your cookies and I have learned SO MUCH!  My last attempt, after viewing your blog, was my best attempt to date!

  24. I love how you use common items to decorate. Most people think you have to spend a fortune but you show us how to use or imagination and things we have. 

    Your little guy takes better pictures than most adults I know:) He must take after his mommy;)

  25. Nothing lasts foreverJune 20, 2011 at 12:31 PM

    You have so many great ideas ! How do you do that ?! I love your blog ! Check out mine :

  26. Thank you so much for your great tutorials. I made decorated (RI) cookies for the first time this week, and it was because of your inspiration. I made soccer balls for my little granddaughter's team -- and they were a HIT!  I'm not new to baking, but this is the first time I've use Royal Icing. I didn't wait long enough for the base color to dry so the flooded design "bled" a little -- and my lines were squiggly and uneven in places -- but the girls loved them anyway. I used the technique you taught about the Father's Day tie.  Next time I'll obey all the rules.  :-)  You are a wonderful artist, and your cookie recipe is THE BEST! The flavoring tips you gave for the icing gave the cookies an awesome flavor. I was the "grandma hero"this morning in the eyes of my little one . . . and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  27. What a great idea. Even with a male in the house who don't ware ties :)

  28. Love the cookies and hope you all have a wonderful and special weekend!

  29. Where do you purchase your cutters?  I have not been able to find the scalloped edges in the shapes you have.
    Thanks for the great tips.  I love your blog.

  30. Hi from Turkey. I like your style. (firstly I am bad at english) I dont like eating fondant, so I want to use royal icing, but it is difficult to shape.Thanks for shareing your secret.

  31. Adorable!

    I have to ask what font that is on the bottom picture?? So cute.
