
Thursday, May 26

Lorann Bakery Emulsion Giveaway

I talk about bakery emulsions a lot, so I thought I would explain them a little.  Basically they are alcohol-free flavorings that stand up to high heat, so that they don't lose intensity when they are baked.  It gets a lot more complicated than that, but thats the simple version.

I haven't always used emulsions.  I actually tried LorAnn almond emulsion on a whim last year, and became addicted. 

I can smell the difference, and taste it even more.  They are easily interchanged with extracts because one teaspoon of emulsion is equivalent to a teaspoon of extract.  Also, Lorann tells me that they can be used in royal icing.

Since I like them so much, I also wanted to share them with you. I'm very excited because LorAnn Oils has offered to give one reader a bottle of every flavor available!

There are a few ways to enter to win:

  • Become a follower of my blog and leave me a comment telling me so.  If you already follow me, let me know.
  • Take a shot on guessing what sneaky cutters I used in the photos above.  One guess per platter.
  • Tell your friends about The Sweet Adventures of SugarBelle so they can join the fun too!

Leave a comment for each separate entry, and let me know how to contact you.  if I can't get in touch with you, you can't win. Ends Friday, June 3, at midnight.

If you tweet or Facebook, that can also be counted as an entry. 

Good Luck!

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