
Tuesday, May 17

Angry Red Bird {Part 3)

Finally, here's part three in my Angry Bird series, Angry Red Bird. Do any of you recognize what cutter I used to make him?

If you guessed a BALLOON, you guessed right!

To make angry red bird, you will need:
  • red, orange, ivory, black, and white flood icing
  • black piping icing for outline
  • black food color pen {I prefer Americolor for this project}

Let's get this show on the road!


Let the outline dry.  Complete step two.

Soon after adding the eyes, move on to step three

Let them dry for about twenty minutes, then you are ready for step four.

You are now ready to add the beak.  I free handed mine by googling him on my Ipad and using it as a guide while I piped.  I also forgot to point out that this is where I added the unibrow!

Soon afterward fill the middle part of the beak.  Let this dry for about thirty minutes, more if you have problems with your black icing bleeding.

Finally, use the orange flood icing to fill the last little bit of the beak.

Finally, after the cookie has completely dried, use the black food color marker to go around the eyes.

Tada!  There you have it!

Here's the whole crew...I mean the ones I made...there are many many more!

If you want to learn how to make Angry Yellow Bird, click {HERE}.
If you'd like to learn how to make Angry Green Pig, click {HERE}.

Now I have to brag a little.  My friend Landa, who specializes in making original cookies made the most awesome Angry Bird collection which you can see on her blog, Baking with Landa.  She completely went beyond the basic characters and made a whole darn collection for her kiddos.  Those are some LUCKY boys!

Also, if you are not following me via email, PLEASE subscribe!  I will soon be moving and I want all of my friends to come with me!  So, don't forget! 

1 comment:

  1. Sweetsugarbelle, I just had to share this with you!   You inspired me to try these and this is how mine came out (see the link below)!!  Not as wonderful as your, but I think I did ok!! :-)  Thank you for always being open to share your knowledge with us!!
