
Friday, April 1

My New Favorite Tool {Giveaway}

I know it's April Fool's Day but I have a fun giveaway for y'all today, and that's no joke! 

Recently, I stumbled upon the handiest little tool.  Do you know what these are?

Let me tell you, I LOVE THESE THINGS!

Back in November a cookie friend of mine sent me two of these babies as a gift.  The rest is history.

Two was just the beginning.  I wanted more!  So, I contacted Karen and Mike of Karen's Cookies who tracked them down. Now, you can have your own! 

Each shaker is the perfect size to hold 1, 2, or 3 containers of disco dust and allows even application with less mess!
And because Karen and Mike are as excited as I am, they have offered to give TEN of my readers three shakers and with a surprise color of disco dust!

Isn't that cool?!

If you would like to win your own shakers, there are three ways to enter...
  1. Become a follower of this blog, and leave me a comment telling me so.
  2. Leave a comment and tell me your absolute favorite color of disco/pixie dust that Karen carries, or if there is a color that you would like to see in her shop.
  3. Tweet or share this giveaway on Facebook.
Of course, leave your email addy, or your entry won't count.  Be sure to enter before midnight tomorrow night {Saturday, April 2nd}  I will announce the winners Sunday morning =)

If you can't wait that long, click on the photos above for a direct link to Karen's site.  They are super affordable and I have a feeling they will fly off the shelves!

Good luck!

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