
Friday, April 22

AMAZING Easter Cookies

The closer it comes to Easter, the more and more beautiful cookies keep popping up. And when I say beautiful, I MEAN beautiful!

I spent the last two days in Austin working with some AMAZING women on passing a bill that will allow people like myslef to legally bake from home, which is an answered prayer for many.

If you are from Texas, or any other state for that matter and interested in keeping up their progress, you should definitely "LIKE" the Texas Baker's Bill fanpage on Facebook.

It's very easy to take for granted that there are people willing to put time, energy, and money into making a change.  Most do not realize what it takes to make something like this a reality.  These women have worked without sleep, compensation, and have kept going even when things looked hopeless so that in the future, others would not have to face the worry and fear that they have.

In other words, they have selflessly busted their booties and they deserve a big ol' Texas, "THANK YOU!"

Back to the subject of I said, while I was busy chasing down state representatives, my cookie friends were decorating their happy hearts out.  I am amazed at their creations, so I need to brag a little.  In the spirit of today's post, I am going to start with the Texas gals...

One of my favorite cookiers, Alison, of Ali-Bee's Bake Shop made both of these collections.  I really don't even have words, believe it or not...

Okay, maybe I found a few words like, so pretty I could cry...

I feel the same about the next set from my friend Angela, another fellow Texan.  They make me totally sad about being a Wilton drop out...

After visiting Austin, I was even more impressed with the fact that despite insanely high humidity, her cookies always look like this!

These bunnies are were made by my friend Laura, owner of A Dozen Eggs Bakeshoppe.  She's kinda famous ya know...been on the Food Network and all that!

Her designs are all original, and she makes THOUSANDS of them!!!

I have looked at these ten times and they STILL crack me up...

Plus, they taste wonderful!
The next two sets were made by my friend Marlyn of Montreal Confections.   She is both creative and an amazingly  skilled piper...

One of my FAVORITE cookie tricks is using cutters to make cookies other than what they were intended for, so it's no surprise I LOVE these!

These were another take on a popular cookie by benzie design.  Susan made it her own by adding a stained glass border.  The amazing thing is, she is a GLAZE user.  I am convinced she has the patience of a saint!

Every single cookie she makes is this PERFECT, as you can see on her Flickr photostream.

I also fell in love with Glory-bee's 3-D Easter cookies.  There's a how-to tutorial on her blog and I am hoping to have a chance to make these before Sunday...

And as if I weren't already impressed enough, she had to go and make these!

I am also very smitten with with Haniela's medovnicky eggs.  All I have to say is that she does all this with a snipped plastic baggy.  No 00 PMEs, no speacial tools.  Just a BAGGIE.  WOW!

My newest love is LilaLoa.  She's the "full package".  Creative, orignal and FUNNY!  I love reading her blog.

My cookie idol Maryann and her daughter took Easter cookie to a whole new level.  She gave them a teenage flair.  Who's have thought Easter cookies  could be "cool".  I LOVE the peace sign eggs!

I found these on Flickr.  I dont know this talented lady, but I sure wish I did.  I was really taken with the delicate look of these and the beautifl soft colors.  You can see more of her work {here}.

I could not help but smile at these cuties by my friend Susan, AKA The Painted Cookie.  {I have also noticed recently that there are a lot of talented cookie decorators named Susan}

And finally, these Sue of Munchkin Munchies.  There's not a kiddo in the world who would not LOVE these, and they are om my "to-do" list for sure!

I was very tired from my trip, but simply assembling all of my latest awe-inspiring faves gave me the itch to do a few last cookies myself.  Stay tuned for Easter cookies from me.  I challenged myself to make all of my cookies using the Twenty-Second Rule.  I'll let you know how it went!

I have lots of fun cookies up my sleeve.  I cannot wait to share!


  1. =) JIC I haven't told you enough, your nose disguise coookies, and the
    corndog are now faves too!!!

  2. Callye, I was here browsing your blog looking for the little baby faces (my daughter has a baby shower tomorrow) cookies (couldn't find in the search) and came to this post (I was in TX with my other daughter and her new baby at the time of this post-no time for computer).  I am so tickled and honored that you included my funny bunny cookies with such an AMAZING cookie collection!  You really made my day (I was in real need of a perk)!
    I hope your bill has passed! :)
