
Wednesday, January 19

To KopyKake, or not to KopyKake, that is the Question!

"Do you have a KopyKake?"

That is is probably the number one question I get.  The answer, yes.  I ordered mine last April or May after an all-nighter  that produced a less than mediocre set of Princess Tianas.  {There might have been tears involved}

When it first arrived, I immediately put it together.  I was so excited!  However, the excitement soon turned to disappointment.  It wasn't exactly what I thought.  It did project, but since a cookie is already tiny, the tiny projection was almost minuscule and VERY hard to see.  Also, I had to be very careful of what direction I approached the cookie from.  If I put my hand in the wrong place, it blocked the image.

Worst of all, it couldn't do what I bought it for in the first place, help me with character cookies.  There was no way for me to project an image and still make a cookie that wasn't gigantic!

So into the closet it went.  Bern Dogg was not impressed with me because they are a little pricey, but I didn't know what else to do with it. 

Finally a few months later, I decided to give it another shot, however, this time I approached it in a different manner.  Instead of expecting it to be a tracing machine, I learned to use it as a guide.  This is when my KopyKake and I became friends.

*Before I get started, I should tell you this...if you are making 30+ dozen cookies a week like I used to, don't even read this post. GO BUY ONE NOW!!!  Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, just do it.  You will thank me.*

However if you are just a weekend cookier, don't waste your dough...there are other ways to get the same effect, as I will show later this week...

I say this because truthfully, 95% of the time, this is exactly how you will find my KK.

{Actually that isn't an entirely accurate photo. Its ALWAYS a dumping ground, but usually it's shoved back between my plant stand and china cabinet so I don't trip on it}

...and now you know my other dirty secret, I hang curtians straight out of the package without ironing them!

Bottom line, even though I don't use it much anymore, when I need it, I NEED IT!!!

My #1 most favorite thing about my KK is that it makes a 2 hr job into a 30 minute job. 

Pre-KK, I would have to literally draw my design onto EVERY single cookie.

My KK eliminates that.  Now, I just draw it once, and it's a piece of cake {or cookie on this blog} from there on out.  You might recognize some of my scratchy sketches that turned into cookies...

Not too shabby, eh?

For those of you interested in a KK, take some of time to consider before you commit.  I love mine, but now that I am a hobbyist only, it's almost just an ugly lamp. 

Still, in our heyday, we had a beautiful thing ♥♥♥

So, to those of you who asked, I say this.  After we got to know each other I decided a KopyKake could be a wonderful thing,  *His name is Stanley, BTW*

Keep in mind, it's not a magic machine.  If you cannot pipe a straight line, or progressively design a cookie, it's scrap metal.

Also, it isn't made to help if you want to write tiny.  Been there done that.  Save yourself the stress.  It just doesn't work...

If you are on the fence, stay tuned.  Tomorrow I will show you two ways to get the same effect without a projector.  Then you can decide whether or not to invest in a KopyKake of your own =)


  1. I promise you read my mind! I seriously TODAY searched your blog to see if you had a KopyKake or any info on it and told my best friend (and partner in sugarHI) and my husband that I was considering one...I almost gave my husband a heart attack!! But I am so looking forward to seeing tomorrows post!

  2. I enjoyed this post too. I'm just started out, and I'm not a great artist, so I'm sorta doubting my ability to make cookies that are anywhere even NEAR the quality of your cookies. However, with only plans to just be a hobby cookie artist for awhile, I'm excited to see your advice in the next post. I really enjoy your blog and your work! --Kristin

  3. Thanks for the post! I've been wondering about KK too! =)

  4. I love mine! LMAO but Mine ends up like yours. I put stuff on top of it if Im not using it BUT when I need her she's there. Good ol' Bessie LOL

  5. I love mine too! Her name is "Kate". "Archie" is my KitchenAid mixer. Clearly I've got issues. LOL!

  6. I can't wait until tomorrow!! This upcoming post may just be my favorite yet (and since I L-O-V-E your blog - that's saying a lot!)

  7. I have been on the "fence" about one of these for months! It's not about dishing out the dough (pun intended) for one, but will it accomplish what I want it to? If I am going to be honest with myself, probably not! If it won't turn me into an instant artist, I should probably save my money!

    Can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow!

  8. Perfect timing. I get a crazy discount and was thinking it was too good to pass up. I know now it would be collecting dust somewhere. Thanks for your honesty. If I am ever decorating 30+ dozen cookies a week, I'll never get to surf my favorite blogs!

  9. As always you rock! and I am seriously glued to my computer waiting to see what you do tomorrow!

  10. Thanks so much for the post! Last night at 1:am I mean this morning, I was watching Sweetopi's tutorial on using one! The timing is perfect. Thanks for all the experienced advice and honesty! Thanks again for your great blog.

  11. I cant tell you how excited I was to see this post! I have a KK in my virtual shopping cart and keep waiting to push the send button!! Perfect timing!! I cant wait to see tomorrows post!!!

  12. Great post.. I've been decorating cookies for 10 years. Saw the KK and never knew how it was used until Sweetopia introduced it. All I can say is WOW. I'm not so much doing as many cookies as I did before (yes.. like 20 dozen a week), but always wanted a new toy! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing out loud what cookie decorating is all about. That goes for all the other cookie decorating stars out there, too! You all rock!!

  13. I just discovered such a thing exists and I think it is the coolest thing ever. I really want to get one, not just for cookies, but cakes too!

  14. Thanks for being so generous with your information. I am just a hobbie cookie maker, and I have enjoy your posts and have find them very helpful too. Look forward for next post.


  15. Perfect post and Perfect timing! I have been debating ordering the KopyKake. I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow. Thanks! :)

  16. I see a picture of it but have no idea what it is or how you use it, I am intrigued.

  17. I suspect we may be twins! Currently my KK Is the dumping ground for a bin of ribbon, 3 aprons, and a couple of baskets. While it's a great tool for larger cookies (I call it my stress reliever!)- my biggest gripe about the KK is storing it. They should really try and design it to be a little more storage friendly. Oh....and I should take a picture of my curtains! I wonder why I even have an iron! Another great post Callye.

  18. I've had mine for about 10 years, first using it for Cupcake Cakes. When I stopped doing them, I stored it and forgot about it, one day while cleaning I even considered giving it away!! Then I read about people using it for COOKIES and tried but the image was blurry, run to their website and found out they sell an extension rod for that purpose, got one and THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSING... now I'm in love with it! I mean if there was no place for it to sit I'll put it in bed with me and my husband!!

  19. I cannot wait to see your post tomorrow. I have only just started trying to decorate cookies and already have found it to be obsessive. I have seen the KK and became curious. I am glued to the screen waiting for tomorrow!!

  20. Many months ago I would look at your every post on Flickr and, because I am just not artistic, and I can barely look at something and copy, I wanted one SO bad.

    My hubby thought about it and eded up getting me a small projection unit (about the size of a cell phone) and hooked it up to my computer. He found a lamp arm and rigged it up so it sits by my computer and any clipart or image I find on my computer, I can put on a cookie......very, very cool and not big, very small.

    The hand still likes to cast a shadow......AND I find I still get wibbly-wobbly with my piping. AND I just can't "fill in the spaces" like you icing either covers the black lines or won't go to the edge...just doesn't look like yours, Callye! Bottom is fabulous.....can put any image within seconds on my cookie....but,I still haven't figured out the cookie part!

  21. You are a treasure! Thank you for the benefit of your experience and input!

  22. Hahhaha well I am certainly glad to discover I'm not the only one who names kitchen appliances. (My Kitchenaid mixer is Arnold because it's all muscle!!). I am anxious to see the future post on this issue because I've also been riding the fence on getting a KK. It's mostly a $$ thing for me, I'd like one whether business OR hobby. :)

  23. Callye, I've been waffling back and forth since before Christmas about whether or not I "need" one!! You KNOW I want one, dang straight! :)

    Patiently (sort of) waiting for your post tomorrow, to better weigh the pros n cons!

    Thanks so much for ALL you share with us all, even the curtains straight onto the rods from the package!

  24. Thank you so much for the post! I have been on the fence because it would just be for fun (not business) so I am anxiously awaiting your post tomorrow! love your blog!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  25. My friend said that I am free to try her KK whenever I'd like, but I haven't taken her up on the offer yet.
    I really appreciate YOUR view/advice on the subject, and am looking forward to your post tomorrow:) Thanks, Callye!

  26. Thanks for answering my question! I knew it! It is hard to make such perfect cookies without one. I'm seriously consisering it...but I am a "weekender decorator." looking forward to tomorrows post!
    BTW...when do you have time to do all of this posting? Kids,decorating, and Posting?! Good for you!

  27. HI , I have just started making cookies some 2 months ago, did not know much about icing and have read alot of blogs. I love your colors, designs and techniques. I was thinking about KK and cant wait for your blog to see what the alternatives are , as I cant draw to save my life.

    Regards Mahir

  28. Thanks for this info.I've been wanting one for a long time, but your post put things into perspective for me. Looking forward to the "alternatives"!

  29. My first job was at an ice cream store and I decorated cakes with a similar item :) brings back memories.

  30. Hola!
    Me interesa seguir leyendo tu nota de KK, por favor danos la solución para quienes no la tenemos.

  31. Callye this is an excellent post and I agree 1000000%!! (is that percentage possible? lol) My KK often sits on my tabletop much like yours...with stuff piled on top of it. I tried to make Tink and there were many bad words spoken when I was trying to do the tiny details of her face. I have to perfect Tink because I promised my niece Tink cookies for her birthday in May this year :) I've since learned from my practice attempts that the better approach is to use the food markers for the tiny details. :) I look forward to the follow up post!

  32. I got mine about six months ago and I've used it probably less than six times. I do find it useful for very detailed, specific cookies but I feel like I work a lot faster freehand actually.

  33. OMg! I am sooooooo excited that I have a KK. I do upwards of 40 dozen cookies a week and mine never leaves my kitchen counter! After I got used to using it, I became reliant on it for placement, as well as the scale of design elements. It really helps to keep images constant from one cookie to the next as well. I have the cheapest one and it works great =)
