
Wednesday, January 5

Start The Year Off Right! {Giveaway}

Many people start the year off with resolutions, but since I tend to break them so easily, I like to do GOALS.  On December 10,  two years ago, I added this entry to my list of goals: 

*8. Start developing my true hobbies and interests like crafting, restoring old furniture, and cookie baking. (Basically being the absolute best at anything I choose to do!)*

When I wrote that, I did it with good intentions, but who knows what would have happened if life hadn't set in.  Within a month, my beloved grandma, Nanny, passed away.

Few people in life are lucky enough to have what I did with her.  Nanny wasn't often the perfect ideal grandma type, but she loved me unconditionally, even when I didn't deserve it. She would literally do anything to help me.  And despite her shortcomings, she taught me a lot about strength and family and being able to smile, even when life didn't turn out quite as planned, and for that I am forever grateful.

I knew for a very long time that Nanny's time was coming to an end, but I guess it never really seemed real until the day before she was gone.  Dad called and told me I really needed to think about going to see her.

 I usually managed to avoid it, because I was terrified of seeing her so very sick, but since she was no longer able to call me daily, I knew it was time.

When I got there it was as bad as I had imagined.  She was painfully thin and unable to speak, and even though I cried the whole drive down, I was determined not to let her know how scared I was because I knew she would worry...and I didn't want her to worry.

The tough face plan didn't go so well after I arrived.  One of my last memories of Nanny is me turning into a bawling mess while she struggled to tell me that everything would be okay. 

It was so very backward in every way...I should have been conforting her, but that was my Nanny, always trying to mend my broken heart.

*Tears on the keyboard*

NOTHING prepared me for the void I felt when she left this world.  Suddenly baking became a refuge,  my distraction.  Now, almost two years later, here I am.

A lot of it is surreal.  This time of year takes me back.  Sometimes I cannot believe so much time has passed.  I have learned SO much and made friends along the way that helped to fill the hole that was left when I lost Nanny.

It also takes me back to those very first days of surfing the net, looking for any and every bit of available information on decorating cookies.

The  first website I stumbled upon happened to be Karen's Cookies.  I was absolutely, utterly, and completely amazed at what I found.  There I sat in the Hyatt Place during our Christmas vacation, enchanted and ordering every cookie cutter and sprinkle I could afford with my handful of giftcards. 

Fast forward to now.  Since Karen's Cookies was the very first cookie door I ever opened two years ago, isn't it appropriate that for my first big giveaway of the year, Karen so generously offered to provide most of the supplies needed for a prize that I have been dying to give away for 2 months?!  For my very first prize of the year, I have, with Karen's help, managed to put together a wonderful  gift! This month's prize is...


This kit has all the supplies I use to decorate cookies on a daily basis...among them, my favorite icing tips and gadgets, my preferred food colors, icing bottles, DISCO DUST and much much more!

Now, I apologize for the tears. {Nanny didn't like re-hashing the bad days}  And I didn't mean for this to turn into a sad tale, especially since this is a giveaway...But overall, this has a happy ending.  A wonderful new story from the end of another, memories that will always make me smile, and the knowledge that Nanny is just as proud of me now as she was when I was a kid and would draw silly pictures of all of her pals.  She carried on every single time like I'd given her a Rembrandt =)

All this said, I really hope this kit falls into the hands of someone who needs it as much as I did at the beginning of my journey, or someone who is as passionate about cookies as I am.

*To enter this giveaway, you have two options*

First of all, you can head on over to Karen's Cookies FB page and "LIKE" her since she was kind enough to do this for me. That's reason enough to like her in itself.  And if that doesn't convince you, one looksie at her cookie website will!

 If you already do "LIKE" Karen, just tell her hello, and come back and let me know...she and her hubby Mike have some of the best service and fastest shipping, AND she has this great habit of always tucking a surprise in each package.  You gotta love that!

For a second entry, I just want to keep it simple.  Leave me a comment telling me your fondest memory of your "Nanny" {Everyone has a Nanny, whether you call her *or him* that or not}...

There are no rules about what you share, I'd just like to give everyone else a chance to share something special about their loved one.

Remember, each comment IS AN ENTRY, so post each one separately, AND leave a way for me to contact you.

I will choose a winner next Thursday using, so keep your eyes open =)

*and as always, tweeting this giveaway is a free bonus entry*

Since this is a giveaway post, I had a few birthday cookies in the archives that seemed appropriate.  Afterall, winning is almost like receiving the gift of all birthday gifts.  {That is, if you are into cookies of course =)}

I made these for my neighbor...

I used a napkin for inspiration...

And I made these for my hubby to give to a childhood friend as a gift for her daughter's second birthday =)

I was especially proud of the "b" cookies I came up with, and I am already making plans for a repeat appearance of these at another special birthday party I will be making cookies for...

So, after a few happy tears and some fond memories, here's to a WONDERFUL year.  Here's to good memories, learning new things, improving upon the things we know already, and appreciating the moments with the people we love. 

 Good luck and happy baking!


  1. I lost my Grandma when I was only 12. I miss my sleepovers with her! We'd play scrabble and checkers. :)

  2. Hi Callye - thanks so much for your blog - and the memories of both of my grandmas are flooding me now! So many fond memories of both of them - their strength keeps me going day to day! If they could get ALL that they did in life done, each with 5 kids, and few of the conveniences we have now, then what's my excuse?! It motivates me every time. :)

  3. Oh, and I "liked" Karen's page - I've been ordering from them for about a year, and they do have fabulous service, not to mention the fact they sponsor the cookie decorator forum at They seem like such nice people!

  4. Very pretty cookies Now where are the pictures of the prize, woman? Come on now.

  5. I liked Karen already but now, I like her on facebook =)


  6. With this post, you made me think about my dear "nonna" who I remember being in the kitchen making fresh pasta and sundried tomatos..I miss her SO much!!

  7. Speechless.....that's me every time i see your cookies. You are the best, the MOST talented. Oh, that I could be you for a day! I'm completely in love with the "b" cookie cutter, love the shape and the lower case. I know you have too many cutters to count over years of accumulating, but any idea where that darling was purchased? Can I get an entire alphabet like that?

  8. My grandmother gets up at 5am every day, no matter what. When I was a little girl and stayed at her house, I would always sleep on her couch so that I would wake up when I heard her moving around. I always pretended like I woke up that early normally. I'm pretty sure she knew better, but she always pretended to believe me. We would run errands together and work together for hours before anyone else woke up. Man, I miss that.


  9. Both of my grandma's died when I was very young so I don't really have the fond memories that you experienced with your Nanny. You are very lucky!

    I did have to leave a huge shout out for Karen and Mike...without their website I am sure that I would not be decorating cookies today! I am self taught (via the internet) and I learned a lot from her great videos! Most of my supplies have been purchased from there as well...great customer service and super fast shipping!

  10. I "like" Karen's Cookies!

    My favorite memory of my Nona is from her 80th birthday when we all went to Biloxi and went gambling! It was so much fun and memories I will cherish always! She'll be 89 in July and she's still kickin it at the nursing home!

    Thank you for making me smile today!

  11. I love Karen's cookies and I order many cutters from there! Love the sprinkle packets they always throw in :)
    I liked them on fb

  12. My Grandma was the one who got me loving baking and cooking. We always did crafts together and planned parties. I miss my time with her terribly, but have a heart full of smiles and hope one day I can be as good of a Grandma as she was.

  13. I remember hanging out at the farmhouse and helping with the garden. The asparagus was always my favorite.

  14. I liked Karen's cookies before but now I officially "like" her.

  15. Callye, your cookies are amazing as are you!

    I am so very fortunate to be celebrating with my grandma her 100th birthday this year! She is still living on her own and I can't imagine the time without her. While growing up, she lived down the road, so I got to spend many days with her. She was a seamstress and made all of my "one of a kind" clothes when I grew up!

  16. Both of my grandmothers were fantastic cooks/bakers. I cooked mostly with my maternal grandmother, but how I wish I had learned a fraction of what my paternal grandmother had to teach me...

    I suppose my strongest memory of my Granny was picking black raspberries in the woods surrounding my house then freezing them until we had enough to make a cobbler. :)

  17. You got me all teary thinking of my grandmas and great aunts. I remember grandma coming all the way from Iowa to Florida for my HS graduation with a jillion lemon bars for my party!

    They are part of my past inspirations and you are part of my current inspirations. I love your new commitment to blogging! Thanks for sharing.

  18. I "liked" Karen on FB. I've already ordered from her and will readily do so again.

  19. I like Karen's cookies, this is the first shop I buy to begin in decorated cookies!

    I would like to enter in the giveaway, your blog is very pretty and wonderful.

    My Nany is a great person whom I adore, I have very good recollections of my infancy when it was taking to us to the park my sister and to my. Now very major this one and it lives of his recollections, recollections that trasport to his happier years all that even tape-worm to his loved one to his side.

    I sit it if this one written evil, but it is what I could have done between my knowledge of English and the translator :S, because I am from Spain.

  20. Oh, wow. I went to Karen's cookies and almost didn't come back. Time lost all meaning. :)


  21. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Karen's Cookies!!!

    Can you believe I don't own a boo-boo stick??? I need to order one TODAY!!

  22. Hi, Callye! Thanks for this opportunity. I just went to Karen's FB page and liked her. And I looked at her website, too. And though I said I "must resist" buying more cookie cutters on a comment on your fb page the other day, I now *HAVE* to place an order w/ Karen. I just fell in <3 w/ a cutter set on her site. I'm off to order...

  23. And a "Nanny" memory for me...
    I don't remember ever baking cookies w/ my grandma, but I do use her cut-out sugar cookie recipe so I feel a connection with her every time I bake them.

  24. So glad you turned me on to Karen's cookies. I'm gonna go broke but I'll be in cookie heaven! I am now a fan of her Facebook page.

  25. I already liked Karen, left them a msg on their page today! I love the way I open my packages from them and it's like a little present just for me. Pretty tissue paper and of course that little something they throw in!


  26. My favorite memory of my grandma is when she would come to visit during the summer and the first thing we would do was go get ice cream and stop by the peach farm to pick a fresh basket or peaches.

  27. My Grandmother was an avid crocheter. She crocheted beautiful baby blankets and booties....many of which I still have to be passed on from generation to generation. The first step in making a blanket is to crochet individual squares and then knit them together to form the blanket. She always had a basket of these squares in her living room. When we were kids, my sister and I would steal her squares and toss them up in the air where they would stick on her stucco ceiling. She would hear us giggling, run in from the kitchen and then knock them down with a broom handle. Of course, she would wave her arthritic finger at us (pretending to be scolding us) and then leave the room. We would do this again and again and we (nor she) ever tired of this game. At her funeral both my sister and I put squares in her casket.
    Silly story I know, but one that will live in my memory forever!

  28. My memory of my grandma is walking to the grocery store with her. She lives in a little town (less then 800)in Nebraska. She's just a block from the grocery store but we had some good talks in a little block. I always thought it was funny that she had her own cart too. She'd just leave it at her house and push it back and forth to the store! Thanks for sharing your memories!

  29. I had a long distance relationship with my grand parents,they were in england and I was in canada. My favorite memory of my grandpa was when I was three and we flew over to visit. He had a little garden and I would eat all his parsly. Every day I would go out and find anything that had grown and eat it. Grandpa would pretend to be mad, but he laughed. I used to think of him every time I ate out and they put a sprig of parsly on the plate.

  30. My favorite memory of my grandma was the letters I used to write her. I would sit at the big dining room table and write her all about my exciting 6 year old life,and the biggest thing was getting my own mail.

  31. i just 'liked' Karen's Cookies. Fun Stuff!!

  32. now a fan (like) of Karen's Cookies on FB :) not sure how I missed that one since I'm ALWAYS browsing their shop lol

  33. Awesome post, Callye! Memories of your Nanny brings me almost to tears thinking about my Grannie...she was awesome! I recall her sitting me in the vinyl stool(the one where the steps fold down from the stool itself) while she baked all her delicious cakes. She always mananged to save enough to make a small pan for us to sample (I loved to eat anything she baked) she was perfect in my eyes....I remember her pressing my hair, no one could press hair like Grannie! Unfortunately in 1990, (while secretly pregnant with my daughter)I lost the love of my Grannie whom I affectionately also called Momma...I am deeply saddened that my daughter never had the opportunity to meet the fine specimen that God created, just like your Nanny she was everything to me...travelling down memory lane is leaving me with a heavy heart...thanks Callye for giving me a moment to share what my Grannie with you! (

  34. I owe so much of who I am to my Nana...she taught me all the "old" ways and set me on a path towards enjoying things like....baking cookies.!! I am new to the royal icing and had a blast with Christmas cookies. Now I am trying to find any excuse for baking more cookies and decorating them. Your blog is an inspiration to Karen's blog was to you. Thanks for that! And thanks for loving your Nanny so much....I am sure she feels your love each day.

  35. My favorite memory of my grandma was spending the night just about every Saturday night and getting to do whatever I wanted.......

  36. LOVE this post..............

    I love Karen's cookies, but I'm going to go "like" her right now.

    My favorite grandma memory? Matzo Ball Soup. Just those three words bring it all back!


  37. My Meme taught me how to play almost every card/domino game possible. We would go camping every spring and fall and play games the entire time. It was great!!

  38. I lost my grandmother 4 1/2 years ago. She was the one who taught me to bake and I have so many fond memories with her in the kitchen. Especially baking at Christmastime. She always made time for her grandchildren and her great grandchildren and loved each of us so much. She was losing her battle with cancer when I had my first son and sadly she died when he was only 2 months old. I miss her so much.

  39. my favorite memory of my Gramma Lu is watching her cook at the cafe that she and Grandpa Miles ran for years and years! it was a small rural/farming community & she provided not only the best burgers & fries but hot roast beef, mashed taters & gravy among other daily hot choices, homemade pies, doughnuts made fresh daily... *sigh* I miss them dearly but treasure the memories of them both! <3

  40. Did you handcut the "B"??? I love it!!

  41. It's funny because my journey pretty much began with Karen's too. I love her site and already liked her on FB. Thanks!


  42. I begame a fan of Karen's Cookies on FB and now I'm going to place an order with her:)

  43. I officially 'like' Karen on FB now!

  44. Thanks Callye for another super post, sharing more of your story and your beautiful cookies! LOVE the pirate cookies, especially those parrots!
    I "like" KarensCookies on FB already, and stopped by there to tell them hello :)

    Have a GREAT day ~ Scott (

  45. I just liked Karen and Mike's page, I already have Karen's cookies set as a favortie on my computer. Thanks for the chance to win! Good luck everyone!


  46. I just placed my first order with Karen's cookies last night! "Liked" her on FB! Thanks for the chance!

  47. One of my grandmas would never say a bad word about anyone, absolutely refused. Now she might sit there and squeeze her lips together so hard you knew what she was thinking, but she would never say it!

  48. I have such great memories of both my grandmothers. Primarily because they, with my mother, are the reasons I got into baking in the first place!
    My paternal grandmother always was baking cakes and pies every week, and my maternal grandma was always sooooo good with rolls and cookies! Visits with them always meant time spent in the kitchen making something tasty :)
    ~ Scott (

  49. Thanks for sharing Karen's Cookies info, I have now 'liked' her on facebook! (renee.kofoid @

  50. My favorite 'nanny' aka grandma memory is when she used to put peanut butter or mustard in the diapers of my dolls to make me think they really pooped. LOL she was a goofball. (renee.kofoid @

  51. I lost my mammaw almost 3 years ago. I have alot of wonderful memories with her. Just a few from my childhood are sitting in her lap at the sewing machine, "baking" cookies with her homemade playdough and cookie cutters and one day playing sick from school so I could stay with her and bake a cake. Thanks again for the chance!

    forgot to leave my email the above comment

  52. And I just shared your post on Twitter! GO, team Callye! :)
    ~ Scott (

  53. I didn't really know my grandparents, but I liked going out to their house because the only time we went was Christmas, so I could see my cousins and open a few presents. That isn't quite what you wanted, but it's all I've got and I definitely want to enter this giveaway. Thanks! jenny and sullivan and parker at comcast dot net.

  54. Sadly my Grandmas weren't very involved in my life, but the person I do have that fits the awesome description would be my Mom! Baking with her is always one of my best memories. She's the queen of improvising, and I've learned so much from her!

  55. I liked Karen's Cookies on facebook

  56. My relationship with my grandmother (Grandmommy) was very similar. She wasn't just my grandemother, she was my best friend. And I know she would be very very proud of my cookies now. We would laugh non stop! One time we were in Kansis City and the news said the Royals were in town. She couldn't wait to find out where Charles and Diana were going to be! We laughed about that for years.

  57. My grandmother is a strong and wonderful woman as well. She's always dedicated her time to her family and friends and would do anything for them. Always just a call away when I need some encouragement, and a good conversation anytime. Nanna's are AMAZING women :)

  58. I officially "like" Karen's Cookes on Facebook. Although, I have to admit, that I loved checking out her website!

  59. I had a Nana. She was the greatest grandmother. We would go see her every sunday after church and spend all day over there. She did needle point and I loved watching her. She loved her grandkids more than anything. She passed 7 years ago. I take elizabeth to see her and my "Pa" once a month. All her great grandparents are gone but one. She said hi and pats the headstone. I show her photos and tell her that her nana would have loved her.

  60. The most memorable thing with my Granny was when I was younger I would have sleepovers at her house all by myself, no sister or brother. And we would make popcorn and raisin necklaces... to this day I still love the taste of popcorn with raisins!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. My dear grandma is my "nanny". One of the things my grandma and I have always laughed about is how we both have such a horrible sweet tooth. We are positive my love for all things sweet come from her. Sounds funny, but one of my favorite memories of my grandma is when we went out to eat together at a local restaurant. Without discussing it first, we both ordered the cup of soup rather than the bowl just so we could save room for pie! We just looked at each other and laughed....I can see her smiling now!

  63. When I went to visit my Grandma over she always had an arts & crafts project ready for us to do together. She was a painter and she taught me a few things, in addition to how to crochet!

  64. Well I am unable to access my FB account, so I will just leave one of my many memories of my grandma...she would always make me french toast for breakfast when I came to stay. I never had to ask, she just knew...even when I was in my twenties. Miss you Grandma

  65. One of my favorite memories was after Easter when my grandma and I got in big trouble from my aunt. Grandma and I had just devoured two enormous football sized chocolate eggs and were rolling around laughing with a sugar buzz. We were immediately reprimanded when my aunt caught us and took our chocolate away!

  66. What a coincidence! I just bought some cookie decorating stuff from Karen's website earlier today. I got there through your last post with the Lemon Emulsion link, and I got captivated by her tutorials and store offers. It was hard not to buy everything I see! =) I've "liked" her FB page too. =)

  67. I "liked" Karen's Cookies on Facebook.

    I have fond memories of both my nana and my grandma. I remember staying at my nana's and playing Dr. Mario with her on her Nintendo and eating peanut butter toast (she used chunky peanut butter, which my mother never ever bought). I remember staying at my grandma's all the time in the summers and learning about teh flowers she grew and the goats her and her daughter and her daughter's husband raised. :)

  68. What a great post Callye! I too have similar memories of my great grandma, or Oma, as I called her. Some of my best memories are of being in the kitchen baking with her. There wasn't anything she couldn't bake, it was incredible. That is why I make cookies today, I'd like to think she played a hand in that! :) I miss her dearly - I have a sweet reminder of her though, my daughter has her name, and amazing spirit.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I love Karen's Cookies - she and her husband are great to work with and have an amazing amount of supplies and information! I officially "liked" them on FB.

  71. All of my grandparents had passed away before I was even born but I was blessed to have my husbands granny. She was the example of everything I want to be, loving caring, unselfish, sharing, she was a wonderful christian woman. We just lost her to the Lord 3 days before Thanksgiving and we miss her so much Our comfort is in knowing she is happy to be with pawpaw. My youngest daughter gave me the BEST compliment ever last night, she came in from work and said our kitchen smelled like granny's :( WOW thanks for all you do, if you have a chance check out my fb page Monkey kisses, love to you beth at Monkey

  72. I "liked" Karen's Cookies on Facebook! You're right that they are the best, I always get my order so fast and love the little "goodie" they tuck in, so nice of them.

  73. My mother's grandmother lived with us till she died when I was 8. Mo-mo did all the cooking, my mother didn't even learn to cook till then! Mo-mo was from New Orleans and was an excellent cook, sure would give anything to have a bowl of her gumbo!

  74. Liked Karen's cookie facebook page

  75. I "Liked" Karen's Cookies. Can't wait to check out her site more.

  76. I don't have too many memories of my Grandparents. I do remember going over to Grandma's house and she would have tons of goodies in her freezer and we were able to pick on out each time. I wish I had more memories like so many others do. This will just make me become a special grandma when the day (hopefully not for a long time) comes.

  77. I have 2 Nanny's that are still living!! I am very blessed to have both of them still around. I work with my dad's mom so I see her everyday and we are so very close, my mom's mom is just a good old country girl and you couldn't ask for a kinder, sweeter woman.

  78. I already liked Karen, but didn't know she has a FB page... glad you pointed her out!

  79. My favorite memories of my Gramma are spending every New years Eve having a sleepover. We would stay up and watch the ball drop and toast with sparkling grape juice out of crystal wine glasses. Its a tradition I now do with my own kids. :)

  80. I just "liked" Karen's Cookies on FB. I can't wait to explore her site!

  81. My Nanny was my second mother since my parents had me when they were quite young. We lived beside her and my grandfather, and I lived at her house as much as I did my own. It was a very traumatic experience for me when she died unexpectedly of a massive stroke the summer before my last year of college. I miss her so much, especially at the holidays, and wish she were here to meet my two sons now.

  82. I 'Liked' Karen's Cookies on Facebook!!

  83. My Granny Irene was the sweetest Grannies ever! Every time we visited her, no matter the time of day, she would make us pancakes...tiny, bite size ones! And she would ALWAYS have Page Ice Cream for us...that was our favorite!!! I miss her tons, everyday!
    Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  84. My Grandmother was an artist, literally. We lived in West Texas and she lived in Washington state. I remember when we would go up to see her, I couldn't wait to get into her "art" room. She always had some project going. She passed away a couple of years ago. All of my Grandmother's crafting supplies were given to me. Sometimes, like yesterday, I will just go through the boxes and remember watching her hands making different creations. :o)

  85. My grandma was an awesome cook. I remember all of the delicious Hungarian food she made (that no matter how much my mom tried to recreate, it just wasn't the same).

  86. I have many more memories with my husbands Grandma Talia than I do of my own. She is 93 and can be found in the kitchen all hours of the day cooking Filipino food! She is amazing!!

  87. I already "liked" Karen's cookies but I told her hello! :-)

  88. also wanted to share where i learned my love of cooking all things, from the time i was 5 my gramma would cook sat dinner every wk at her house. mom and us would get there early so mom could help her. i was always in the kitchen watching waiting until i was old enough to help. i was old enough to help with the salad, and setting the table, not to do the cooking tho. my gramma passed before i became old enough, but she taught me how important a job for a child is in the kitchen, to make them love to cook!!

  89. I like Karenscookies on FB
    Monica Borek

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. My Ba (short for babcia-it's Polish) and I were close when I was younger. During summer vacation I would get to spend the night at her house and we would stay up late looking at old photos of her and my grandfather, playing Gin Rummy and listening to Dean Martin :) I still love some good Dean music to this day.

  92. All of my grandparents passed away before I was 16. I have an amazing step-grandmother who I consider my real grandmother. I remember she used to let me help her bake cookies and cakes... I thought it was great stuff to be in the kitchen with her!

  93. As for my nanny... well, Callye, I called her Mama Nena and she was a fun, loving person. People would say lacked patience, but she loved being around children, and we always had a great time. She taught me many things like cooking, crafting and many bad words. She loved to smoke and drink whiskey. Eventually smoking took her away. When I skipped school, I would go to her house and sleep until she woke up (she was a night owl because of insomnia), and then we would listen to the radio or watch tv while she put makeup to get ready to take me home. She never cheated or told my mom. She loved to sing and play cards, but never played with money "that wil take the fun from it all", she loved jewelry and bags... she loved cooking and synchronized swimming, and will spend hours teaching us both... she was a listener, and a great story teller. After I married, she will vissit me in Cancun, play domino with my husband and his friends and send me off to bed! She didn't like to be seen without makeup and always had manicured hands. She plucked her brows til she had none, and never liked Sunday Mass, but loved Jesus and said God was the same but people knew him in different ways. She "adored" her father, her husband, her children and grandchildren. She went to all our school presentations, and offered to speak to our parents if we ever got pregnant before marrying. She didn't like to wear undies after she started using pantyhose. She loved red lipstick and soft blue eyeshadow. She always dieted and never excersized. I could call her after midnight to chat, and she called my children every Sunday. When she left, the place was crowded, people from radio stations were there and we all did what she wanted us to do: clap and cheer her!! I could go on and on Callye, I miss her and cry almost EVERY DAY since she left us. And I thank God for my grandmother!!!

  94. My grandma passed when I was 4- I only have one memory of her and that was her drying my hair after a bath- she was a sweet lady, thank you for sharing your memories!
    Maggie M.

  95. I went and liked Karen's Cookies on FB and wow your cookies are amazing!!

  96. I "liked" Karen's cookies. My Grandma was so special. She did so much for me and I will truly never forget her. She is one of the reasons that I love baking cookies today. Every year at christas I pull out her Danish cookie recipes and it makes me feel like she is still here. I love her so much!

  97. My granny was a wonderful Southern cook who ALWAYS made Brunswick stew (authentic, from scratch, time-consuming!!) when she knew I was coming to visit - I was the only grandchild who liked it, and it thrilled her.

  98. My Grandma used to decorate cakes, I wish that I had been into decorating cookies the way we do now when she was around. It would have been another fun thing for us to share. She had a "wicked" sense of humor, could be a bad girl, and I think she really enjoyed seeing people's reaction to that.

  99. I just placed an order with them over the holiday!!! I'm a newbie so its my first real purchase. I just Liked Karen's Cookies on FB and left a comment.

    Today is my grandmother's birthday! She's 94!
    But my fondest memory is of my maternal grandmother Mama...she taught me how to play gin when I was 7!!

  100. Both of my Grandmothers past away, but have lots of fond memories of them!
    Love the giveaway, hope I win!!!

  101. Both my Grandma's are still alive. My Mothers Mom has always been very close with us... She LOVES kids and playing and making silly crafts. Even to this day she plays with MY kids (her GREAT Grandchildren) like crazy. She's adorable and so fun to be around!
    Unfortunately my other grandma has Alzheimers and is doing very very poorly. It's very hard to watch her decline. We used to love baking cakes with her! She made the BEST frosting ever! (But I got the recipe so now hopefully I can carry on the tradition!)

  102. I loved to go back to school clothes shopping with my Grandmother. She always bought me the outfit I wanted even if it was a little pricey.

  103. Also... Visted KarensCookies FB page... duh... I've watched her video's on her website but never thought to visit her FB page. I love her tips! She's awesome!

  104. I liked Karen's before but I love that I get to like her on Facebook now. Thanks for the link. I also love Mike and Karen's cookie decorator forum. If your looking to learn or share I encourage you to visit

  105. I loved staying at my grandmother's for the whole summer. All the cousins would and we would have a blast.


  106. My grandma taught me to bake. I felt so grown when she let me scrape the bowl with the mixer running. I used her old stand mixer for years until it died. It was hard to replace but I know she would love the new red kitchen aid. She wouldn't like that you can't scape it while running though.

  107. Liked Karen's fb page.
    ecav22 at yahoo dot com

  108. My grandmother would always have a jar of chocolates. I loved sharing them with her.
    ecav22 at yahoo dot com

  109. I just lost my GG this past July. She wasn't much of a baker, but being of Scottish decent, made the most amazing shortbread. I make it every year, kneading the flour, sugar, and salt into the butter by hand. She had an amazing spirit, I miss her so much!

  110. I wasn't aware Karen had a FB fan page; thanks for letting us know so I could "Like" her!

    Oh did your post make me well up with tears, remembering my own dear Grandma. She adored her grandkids & was really something special. She always had a little something for us every single time she saw us, even if it was just a little bag of chips that she thought we'd like. I had a special bond w/her since I was the only granddaughter. She was a widow (my grandpa died when my mom was 11, so I never knew him), and I would go spend weekends with her. Those weekends were magical for me. We would bake cookies & cakes, make soups, do special crafts & sewing projects, make ornaments at Christmas time. I clearly remember making those ornaments with her, sitting at her tiny kitchen table with the sun streaming in through the sheer curtains. Those ornaments hang on my tree every year, and I get a warm feeling in my heart each year when I pull them out of the box. My grandma was the first person that I was really close with to pass away, and it was devastating for me. Grandparents are such treasures; I learned so much from all of mine, and I miss having grandparents so much. The one thing that helps heal that sting is watching the bond my parents have with my 20 mo. old son; seeing that grandparent/grandchild magic all over again.

    Thanks letting us relive some memories, Callye!


  111. My grandparents passed away in April of 2009, 3 weeks apart after 71 years of marriage. Most say my grandma died of a broken heart. My grandma was an amazing cook and baker. She made homemade bread every day, and taught me so many things in the kitchen. When I was a little girl, I can remember rolling fresh pasta, making homemade ice cream, baking spritz cookies. Nothing ever seems to turn out as good as hers, however, when I make it. I wish she was still here to teach me.

  112. I love playing games with my mimi, also shopping, even though it usually takes HOURS haha but I love her tons!


  113. Your story made me misty as it echoes so much of my own. My Gram passed away on Christmas day 12 yrs. ago. She was not your conventional grandma either...swore like a sailor, dyed her hair flame red until she lost it during chemo at 71 yrs. of age. She was the person who taught me my love of baking..she made molded chocolate candies for us kids every year for our birthdays to take to school and for every holiday. After she passed away, I was the lucky recipient of her candy molds. All of our favorite characters were there from E.T. to Care Bears and Smurfs. Her rocky road fudge was the best. I too, am where you were 2 yrs. ago and am quickly filling a bookmark folder of inspiration to make beautiful edibles. I'm so excited to get back to that creative side of me that seems to have gone on hiatus since having my first (and subsequently second) child almost 5 yrs. ago. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

    Heather (btw-hellyfelly was the nickname my Gram gave me...absolute nonsense, but beloved just the same)

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Oh and if I could Love Karen I would, but I'll have to settle for Like ;)


  116. What a beautiful tribute to your Granny. Thank you for sharing her with us.

    And your cookies continue to amaze me. You truly are talented and are an inspiration!

    I am lucky enough to live next door to my 87-year-old grandma. Sometimes she drives us nuts, but I am so blessed that my children are growing up getting to know her.

  117. And I tweeted the giveaway!

  118. And I am definitely bookmarking Karen's cookie page. THANK YOU for the link!

  119. I tweeted about the giveaway!!

  120. My ama is still alive, but in a nursing home. She doesn't always recognize me, but I will say I miss her breakfasts with my grandpa, they would both cook up their specialty in the kitchen, then we would all eat up. Especially her tortillas mmmmmm

  121. I have so many favorite memories with my grandma. Luckily she is still with us. Her house, no matter where she has lived, has always smelled like home to me, and I can smell it when I hug her. I'll never forget that scent.

    One of my favorite memories is when I was a little girl and would visit her, in the mornings I would wake up and softly holler her name until she would come get me out of bed. Then we she would pick me up and we would stop at each window and pick out what birds and squirrels and plants we saw. Then she'd wash my face, make me a fruit plate, and sit me in front of the dining room window to watch the nature in her backyard.

  122. I liked Karen on FB! I've been to her site many times before.
    Kim (

  123. Grandma stories - I didn't get to be around my only living grandmother much. As a grandmother now, I trying to make sure to spend as much time as possible with my grandkids. One thing that I do charish from my grandmother is her cake recipes. I have 3 of them she gave me the last Thanksgiving we got together before she passed away - Carrot, Strawberry and Apple Cake. They are still my favorite and I think of her - each time I make them.

  124. My favorite memory of my Nanny(thankfully she is still with us) is her taking us to church every Sunday morning. My family and I always rode with her. We'd sing songs, crack jokes, talk about our week etc. She still picks up my mom and brother(: She's a very special woman. I'm glad you had a great Nanny!

    Ps. I could totally use this kit right about now. Loosing someone close is so difficult. I really want to get back to learning more about cookie decorating!

  125. My fondest memory of my grandmother was taking her to a day spa for Mother's Day. She was 83 and had never had a manicure, pedicure, or massage. She was apprehensive to say the least. She came out after having the pedicure and massage grinning from ear to ear. She loved it and asked if we could do it every year. My only regret is she past away before we could go again.
    We have similar stories and I love hearing yours. You are my favorite cookie artisan and you inspire me everyday.

    Thank you!

  126. My grandmother on my fathers side passed away before I was born. You are very blessed to have such great memories of her.

  127. hmmm, as soon as I figure out FB, I'll get that account created, lol. Until then, I have shopped with Karen, your right, their service is the best!!

  128. Your story about your grama is almost exact to mine, I held my grama's hand as she passed away and I loved her more than words, she only had 2 grandkids, myself and my sister and she loved us so much....and we loved her more. as tears run down my cheeks, I miss her everyday.thanks for your story

  129. I just added karen's cookies! I've been going to her website for a while, I've watched all her videos and love them! I'm planning on ordering from her soon!!

  130. My Grandma's "signature" cookie was mincemeat - I absolutely loved them until I had to help her make them one Christmas. Once I found out what went into them, I wasn't so crazy about them anymore... :) (Seriously, MEAT, in a COOKIE?!)

  131. My grandma was a cake decorator. She was also a very good cook. After she passed away, we had a cookbook made with all her recipes. Most of the recipes are just the ingredients, and part the ingredients, with no directions. It's the best cookbook ever!!

  132. My mom passed away when I was 11. You can't replace a mom, but she was the very best next thing. She was the most unselfish person I have ever known and never once complained about anything.

  133. I only met my nonna one time, she lived in Sicily and we visited when I very young.

  134. Just liked Karen's on FB! =)

  135. I've had three wonderful Grandmas... one who is the best pie maker in the world, one who took us (sisters) to the pool in the summer, and one is super gorgeous and always had a crystal dish of orange candies on her coffee table for us.

  136. I only had one grandma and we called her "Lola". I always remembered her frying doughnuts everytime I came over to visit! I miss those days as well!

  137. I had many nannies as a child, however there is one that I remember with great affection, his name is Gregoria. Was small in stature, dark and unloving, yet always helped us, we care and was company for my grandmother. No nana was affectionate with us but the time was devoted to caring are valuable and appreciated, Gregoria I can say that we wanted (in his own way) grew up and still in our youth was with us, so good it reminds baby, I hope that she would remember us as they were many years we shared.

  138. just liked her on FB!

    I never knew she had FB, thanks for sharing!

  139. Already comment on Karen's Cookies FB, I have bought many things with them and have sent me gifts:)

  140. Just liked Karen on FB, but I liked them already :o).

    Unfortunately, my grandmas died when I was a little kid, so there aren't many memories. My mom always tells me that she sees a lot of both her parents in me and that it makes her happy and pride, and I feel the same way :o)

  141. Hi Sugarbelle. I wrote a message to your friend Karen's cookies as well as "liking " her page. Thanks for the referral of yet another awesome site that will ultimately bankrupt me. I am so lucky to still have my grandmother - my only grandparent left - she is 95 years young literally. I love everything she cooks, bakes, etc.and have so many awesome memories of her but most of my favorite ones revolve around the kitchen obvioulsy. I would watch her make homemade pasta in her special way - she would put a mound of flour in the middle of the table, and crack the eggs in the center and mix it that way. She crochets blankets, hats, gifts, etc. for everyone in the family and for cancer patients as well. She doesn't cook like she used to but whenever she pulls something out and asks for us to share - it is devoured in an instant. I am so grateful to have her in my life as she has contributed so much to my life and made me the person I am today.

  142. I just found your amazing blog a few weeks ago and I've been checking to see what's new every day since...and wow, a chance to win a great gift! Thank you so much for the chance!

    My dear grandmother, who passed away a little over 20 years ago, taught me everything I know about being a creative person. No greater lesson did she teach me that there is no such thing as failure --- just experiments that work out or don't work out as planned. I feel that I have my made my grandmother proud in that I've passed that gem of wisdom onto my own daughter and step-daughter. I can't wait to become a grandmother myself!

  143. I went to Karen's Cookies Facebook Page and Liked and Commented!!

  144. We called my grandmother "Mamaw" and I remember eating breakfast with her... Mamaw's biscuits and white milk gravy... Oh how I would love to sit down to a plate of that right now...

  145. The fondest memory of my Nanny was her teaching me to cook in her kitchen....she is still trying :)

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  146. My favorite memory of Grandma is her paying me to do her holiday baking. She's always been a horrible baker, so she would sit in the kitchen and chat with me while I would bake. The catch was that I couldn't tell any of the neighbors they were my cookies lol.

  147. I did not have a grandma that was likeable or loveable, but what I do have is a mom who is the most amazing person I know. She is so supportive and despite my best intentions to be supportive to her when I call, it always is turned around and she ends up helping me through something. She is amazing! I love her so very much!

  148. I liked Karen's Cookies on FB

  149. All my grandparents died when I was very young so I really don't have any great memories like you. You are very blessed

  150. Back from Karen’s site – shared some tips with my Wilton classmates last night. Instructor thought tips were helpful too. My aunt was a wonderful baker, recipes all in her head – a bit of this, a spoon of that. I miss her dearly. Love your blog – keeps me motivated to keep on baking cookies despite the fact that I am the world’s worst artist and that I keep on having issues with the RI.

  151. I'm so excited to see this giveaway because I just placed my first order on Karen's cookies yesterday. I'm new to cookie decorating and have been obsessed since I started! Your blog gives me so much inspiration. Thank you!

  152. I "like" Karen's Cookies on facebook and let them know it too :)

    what a great giveaway!


  153. I love memories of my Nanny, she was so calm about things-I someday hope to calm down enough to enjoy life as she did. She was so sweet, and I named my daughter after her :)


  154. Great idea Callye! My Nanny was my entire world- my mom, dad, and grandmother. My parents are deaf and she was the one who made me feel normal and so loved. She too, would do ANYTHING for me- especialy the time when I had appendicitis. I was rushed to the hospital and waiting around to get prepped for surgery. I was soooo very thirsty and all I wanted at that moment was a drink of water. Just a little- despite the doctor's warnings not to have anything. That didn't stop Nanny, she got up and got me a drink of water, in which case, i promptly threw it up all over her!!!! She laughed and laughed. My Nanny was AWESOME!

  155. I love Karen's Cookies website....I've watched every video. And went to her facebook page and like her!! 1st entry!

  156. 2nd entry!

    My version of "Nanny"

    I call her Granny!! She's 88 years old and still going strong. I've learned so much from her. From how to sew, cook, bake, love, forgive, compassion, Jesus, tradition, and strength.

    I have the best memories with her especially around this time of year. We always baked and decorated Christmas cookies together. I miss that but I do do that with my kids now. I've been blessed with many relatives in my life that are awesome cooks! I could go on and on...

    I'm entering this because I've been researching and stalking several blogs and websites on this because I so want to do it just not very confident and not a large pocket book. I live in a small rural town at the top of the Texas panhandle and would love to do this for extra money and just because I like too!!

    You are very talented and very inspiring!! Thank you for all that you share!

  157. My Grandma:
    She was a saint - the love that radiated from that woman was infectious. Every time I think of her I see her frail old hands sitting at her kitchen table peeling potatoes. I don't' know why, but that's what I see.

  158. Can't like Karen's cookies on facebook because my facebook is blocked, because I was hacked. BOOOOO :( - But I will as soon as I get back on.

  159. I love Karen's Cookies and I liked her on facebook, too!

  160. I, too, have a great grandma who had a stroke just a few days after Christmas. She's improving, but I'm reminded of how little time I have left with her. My favorite memories usually involve the kitchen and her teaching me how to cook and bake. tarahines@gmail

  161. I tweeted the giveaway. tarahines@gmail

  162. I liked Karen on FB-- thanks for the giveaway!

  163. I "liked" Karen on FB... Thank you both for the awesome giveaway :)

  164. I have many wonderful memories of my " Nana" but the one I hold most dear is her singing my " Nighty, Night " song. This is a song she made up just for me and anytime I would stay the night with them or they were at our house she would put me to bed and sing me my song. She also did this for both of my boys!!! Years ago I recorded her singing the song so I would always have it. Your post made me cry!! I still have my nana but like you I know the time is coming to a close. I hope to spend more time with her this year in 2011.... she is also a lot of the reason I LOVE to cook and bake :)

  165. I'm a friend on Karen's Cookies fb page. Love it.

  166. I 'liked" Karen weeks ago but I did stop by to say hello!


  167. I have always been close to my grandma even though she lives 100 miles away. Nearly every weekend my mom would take my sister and to visit. When I began college, I could have gone to any college I wanted. I chose to live with my grammy and have never regretted it. She is 93, has 7 children of her own and over 30 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Since living with her, she forgets that I am her grandchild and calls me one of her kids! (This has infuriated many people in the family). My grandma is the smartest person I know. Eventhough she has become quite senile and confuses day and night sometimes, she has fabulous stories about history that you can't read in books. She tells it like it is and that is why I love her.

    I just discovered your blog by stumbling across Karen's website. OMG!! I LOVE YOUR COOKIES!! They are soo beautiful. I immediately was jealous at how talented you are with frosting!! You opened my eyes to RI and decorating. I didn't even know frosting cookies could be art!

  168. what a fun giveaway Callye.

    I just liked Karen's FB page.

    and I hope I'll win too ;-))

  169. My dad's mom was the greatest! She also loved unconditionally, had a great sense of humor, which has been passed down to me and my girls! I loved spending time with her and Grandpa, and still miss her very much. She has been gone for nearly 30 years now, and I wish I could put my arms around her and show her what an awesome life I have had - just trying to be like her.

    Sandie Major

  170. My fondest memory of my Nanny was when I was probably 6 or 7, maybe even younger, every time I came to visit she would let me put makeup on her and paint her nails. I loved it and so did she. I can't say I did a very good job but she was so sweet and such a good sport about it. It is a memory we talked and laughed about for a long time until she became an angel in 2007. I will always cherish my special moments with her. Thank you for giving me to opportunity to remember again. Smiles.


  171. Guess my first comment didn't post: I liked Karen's Cookies Facebook page, and when I found out her shop is in my town, I nearly fell out of my chair. Gotta go there and take one of my daughters!

    Sandie Major

  172. I "liked" Karen on Facebook!

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. I liked Karen's Cookies on FB. I had no idea she had a FB page!!!

  175. These look awesome! I liked Karen's Cookies on FB. :)

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. Growing up, the only grandmother I had still living was very old, and didn't move much, so I don't have many memories of her. Instead, I called my babysitter Grandma, and told everyone that she was my real grandma. I even got in a fight with one of her biological grandsons, insisting that she was too my grandma! She's always called me her "adopted" granddaughter, and treated me as one of the family. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer that's spread to her lymph nodes, so I will also have to accept that she won't be with me soon.

  178. My favorite memory of my NanNan is she used to let us use her paper towels to make barbie clothes. Not the most elegant dresses, but she taught us how to sew them. Of course, they didn't last long, but it has always been my fave memory of her. I love to sew because of her. She also taught us how to bake.

  179. I am the youngest of 6 children and don't remember doing much with my 'nanny' really. I only had one, as the other nanny had died when I was very young. I remember watching my nanny play solitaire for hours - and laughing because she would cheat at it. LOL
    I'd love to win this giveaway! Learning to decorate cookies this way is on my LIST OF THINGS TO DO in 2011. I'd like to send cookies to my college kids each month so I get lots of practice.

  180. I liked Karen on FB before I knew you would be having a giveaway! Awesome website - cannot WAIT to order!! Thanks for all the excellent tips!

  181. I've adopted my husbands "Nanny" (aka Maw Maw) as my own. She's everything you could ever dream a grandma would be and more. Love love that woman!!

  182. I liked Karen's Cookies on FB. YAY!

  183. My favorite memory of my "Nanny" is her yummy breakfasts. She would always make me pancakes in any shape or character I could imagine. I remember begging for Minnie Mouse and sunshine one day. She always did it up right!

  184. I like Karens cookies. I've been to her site and have uploaded photos there before as well.

  185. i liked karens cookies on facebook!

  186. my nana passed away too young. she was just barely 60--when i think about all the decades i could have spent with her as an adult and now that i have children....its too hard to bear. i really miss her so, she always gave me THE BIGGEST bowl of butter pecan ice cream!!

  187. there should really be a "love" button on facebook! alas, i had to click "like" for karen's cookies. :)

  188. My grandma passed away when I was 8, so unfortunately I do not really remember much of her. I do remember that she knew I LOVED powdered sugar doughnuts and she always took the time to make them for me and hide them in my room when she came to visit. She taught my mom all about cooking, sewing, and being a well rounded woman. Although I never really knew her, she must have been awesome because my mom turned out great and in turn passed all the family knowledge to me.

    Thanks for the opportunity to think about her today. I haven't remembered her in a long time.


  189. I "liked" Karen's! :)

    Thanks again for the awesome opportunity!


  190. I "like" Karen's Cookies!

  191. my nannys both lived very far away and both passed away when i was very young. however, my husband's granny lives only a few hours away and has totally embraced me which is such a blessing. my favorite memory of her is a picture we snapped one late night, when she was wearing a backwards baseball cap and making her best "thug rapper" pose... priceless. they are a hilarious family and it has been so much fun having a granny!

  192. I tweeted about it, as well. :)))!/8_jenn/status/22793187105968128


  193. My great-grandmother was an amazing woman, and lived a long life. She passed on when I was going into high school. I remember as a child going through all of her cupboards. She had tins of all kinds of things: buttons, safety pins, coins, etc. I would pull them all out and sort and count them with her. I loved all of her "treasures" and am working on my own collection.

  194. I have bought many a cookie cutter from Karen's - and now I "like" them on FB too. As far as my Nana goes, I can remember every Christmas Eve she would spend the night on our couch, supposedly looking out for Santa. We kids would always get up really early to sneak out, see what Santa left for us then go back to bed with our stockings full of goodies. She would pretend to be asleep when we snuck out to the living room, but we knew she was spying on us. My Nana was a Southern Lady from Mississippi. A true gem!

  195. My favorite memory of my grandma is when it was just the two of us at home, her brushing my hair, always telling me how pretty I was when I didn't feel pretty myself and telling me I could be anything in this world. I wish I could have found a cure for cancer so she could have stayed with me longer.
