
Saturday, January 22

Since We are on the Subject...

There are just some things that a KopyKake can't help you with.  I thought about this ALL day yesterday. 

Generally, I try never to make character cookies if I can help it.  They are REALLY stressful.  But when family asks...well *sigh* it's hard to say no.

Most characters aren't too too bad, but those Disney characters...well they are a doozie!

I have been stressing about these for over a week and have been very vocal about it.  Actually, if I had kept my big mouth closed, I might have just let this set fade into history...

But since I didn't, and all my pals have been asking me about them, here they are...


Not AWFUL, but not as good as I wanted them to be.  I guess there is a reason Disney animators make the big bucks.  Your everyday average Josephine cannot do Disney {that would be me}.

When I was finished, they looked a little flat to me, and after a little trouble shooting session with a cookie friend, I added one little line that really made a lot of difference.

*For the record, in MOST cases, that's a TERRIBLE idea.  Generally, when it comes to recreating characters as cookies, it's good to learn when to let things go...the more you mess with them, they more likely you are to goof up!*

Take Rapunzel, for example. Her was fine.  But as always, I could not leave it alone. I kept adding and adding, and as I did, the worse it got. So I just stopped, before I really messed up. Those noses are something else!

In the end, the important thing is that I tried, and that Jayda liked them.  I always call it a success if a child instantly recognizes who the cookie is supposed to be.

I am just glad they are done and I can breathe a sigh of relief and re-take my monthly VOW to NEVER agree to another set of Disney cookies, NO MATTER how cute my itty bitty cousin is!

PS-I only make this type of cookie for family and close friends. I have heard Disney gets kind of mad if you sell their licenced characters, so reserve these for fun family projects.


  1. I think theyre gorgeous but you know that already!

  2. OMG, I can not believe my eyes, just yesterday a friend of mine asked me to make cookies with that theme, and I was very afraid to do so, and looked it you,- did such a wonderfull job,- (as always, lol) well Iam going to make my best effort, and when I finish I will come to let you know, THANKS A LOT FOR THE INSPIRATION. I did not know where to start.

  3. These are sooo good. The castle is just amazing!!!! You are soooo talented!! Love them. I do not see any imperfections at all. You're wonderful...don't beat yourself up about it!!

  4. What the...
    I don't even know what to say. Okay, I do. Amazing!!!

  5. I think they're amazing! Super-great job!

  6. Wow, love the little chamleon! You did an amazing job, don't be so hard on yourself. I love what you did with the title, it looks amazing.

  7. Girlfriend, you are waaaay too hard on yourself. These are AMAZING!!! The castle is to die for! And the princess is spot-on!

    BTW - I always have problems with eyes.

    amazing!! phenomenal!!

  9. I am in awe! Beautiful cookies!!

  10. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE your character COOKIES!! You always get PERFECT COOKIES, I don't know why you are so hard on yourself... PERFECT, ok? :D

  11. The only thing I don't like about this post is that you wrote some nonsence about the nose over a gorgeous photo!! I wish you could grasp how crazy talented you are!!

  12. you kill me. these are gorgeous!

    but I'm a perfectionist too, so I get it. it's not perfect unless YOU say it is, right?

  13. WOW! I can't believe you could find anything wrong with these Callye. They are so gorgeous. Your work is just stunning. You are such an artist! Thanks for sharing your beauty!

  14. If I could decorate ccookies like you I would be happy:) These are beautiful as always.

  15. I am always amazed at what YOU think is less than perfect...that nose looks great to me! I even scrutinized once you pointed it out and I still don't see one thing wrong with it! Having said that, I am always my own worst critic, so I can understand where you are coming from!

    Anyhoo, this is a beautiful collection in my opinion!!

  16. I could not love these any more!! You have to show us one day how you do the eyes...they are always so beautiful.

    Someone asked me to do Dora......i really think I'm not even going to go there!

  17. Just Simply WOW!!! you are amazing, Thank you so much for sharing all your pictures and ideas, you are a great inspiration, and I am very very thankful I found you!
    Keep up the fantastic work, I will never get tired or reading and looking at your work!!

  18. These are really cute. The tower and the paisley are my favorites.

  19. what a great set! Love all the detail, wow that takes patients :)

  20. Oh.My.Word. I LOVE Tangled! And these cookies totally portray it perfectly, but what about Flynn? The life of the party? I see Maximus, though: the horse who acts like a dog.

  21. Another "Hit" for you my friend!! they are precious and I love the log with "Tangled" written on it..adorable!!

  22. excuse me... you are NOT an everyday average Josephine! You are soooo talented, never sell yourself short. We Josephines are delighted you are willing to share your amazing depth of knowledge. We only dream of making such creations!

  23. OH MY GOODNESS!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

  24. These cookies are gorgeous. You are amazingly talented. I just stumbled onto your blog a couple of minutes ago and this is the first post I saw ... can't wait to see the rest. You are seriously like a rock star in the decorated cookie world!

  25. I recently found your blog and I have to say I'm so impressed! You are so good at what you do! I'll definitly come back for inspiration!

    Could be nice to know that you have a big fan in Sweden =)

    /Lisa "Sugarrush"

  26. OMG. I'm breathless. Your cookies are at another level.

  27. you are too hard on yourself. These are totally amazing!
