
Wednesday, December 29

This Is MY Year!

OR at least I hope it is.  I actually like new beginnings.  It's a fresh start, and I think as people, we NEED that.  We are not stationary creatures in most cases.  We change and we grow, along with the world around us.  When my best friend and I get all philosophical, we get to theorizing about what the world would be like if things never changed.  Reminds me of that AWFUL movie Groundhog Day. I HATE that movie.  That's pretty much a cinema interpretation of my worst nightmare.  I like to see where life takes us. 

The one constant is that everything changes, always.  If you need an example, just think of life at this time last year.  Funny the difference a year can make.

I have lots of goals, and some of the same old resolutions, which is what gave me the idea for these cookies.  A simple yet perfect treat for a New Year's party.  I went with the old faithful resolutions, but I can see these getting fun.  They can be religious, geared toward specific people, naughty...

*how in the heck did I jump from the first idea to the last one?!*

or anti-resolutions for those who like to laugh...gain weight, start smoking, spend your savings, watch lots of get the idea.

Some of these resolutions are for me personally...

I think this is more of a life goal at this point, LOL...

For my poor husband's sake...

and, well, this isn't gonna happen, but it's the thought that counts, right?

I am really excited about the new year!  So much so, I made another collection.  Now, I suppose these might have looked really nice in a traditional black, silver, gold, and white, but I went with color.  First of all because I love it, and second of all, I forgot to order some gold shimmer spray before Christmas like I planned...and if it's not how I planned it, it just cannot be...

HMMM, maybe I better add, "LIGHTEN UP" or "GO WITH THE FLOW" to my list...

When I made this platter, I was particularly proud of my confetti cookies,  then yesterday, my cookie friend Meaghan posted an idea that made me like them EVEN more =)  Check out what she did with them!

And since like most people, I prefer to jump start my new year diet by eating excessive amounts of the things I plan on giving up, I went all-out and made these cookies chocolate.

They are too good not to share.  So, do your friends a favor, and make these to take to the big bash!

SweetSugarBelle's Chocolate Roll-Out Cookies #1

*Turn oven to 350° NOW*

3/4 c butter

1 1/2 c granulated sugar

1/4 c dark corn syrup

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla (I like orange sometimes, also)

3-31/2 c flour

2/3 c cocoa powder, (I use 2 parts dark cocoa to one part regular)

1/2 tsp baking powder

Scant 1/2 tsp salt

Cream together butter and sugar. When light and fluffy, add eggs, vanilla and corn syrup. In a separate bowl sift together flour, cocoa powders, baking powder and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet once cupful at a time until all are incorporated.

              * Quick tip, start with 3 cups of flour, and add more if the dough is to sticky.

My super amazing SweetSugarBelle way to tell if it's too sticky is by whether the dough sticks to the paddle. If more of my dough is around the inside of the bowl, I can tell it’s not right. I like it best when it has just enough flour that it all glops up on the paddle like cotton candy.

*don’t you just love love my technical words like “glop”*

Anyway, when I do this, the dough doesn’t need to be chilled. I’m not a dough chilling sort of girl, really. It just takes too long. Most of my recipes are from mixer to roll. But, If you want to chill it, do it your way.

Roll them out, and bake them for 8-9 minutes...AND NO TV during  bake time until you know what your oven is going to do with them.  WATCH your cookies!

There are no real rules to cookie making, except the basics that apply to all baking, like DON’T BURN THEM!

*And keep in mind, cookies are like potato salad*

{I have no idea WHERE that analogy came from, I would have totally failed as Forrest’s mom}

There aren’t really any universal recipes. You like what you are used to. So, if you hate this one, keep looking. Cookies are as unique as people's tastes!

Oh yes, and just to spare you the expense of buying about ten different types of cocoa powder like I did when I discovered there was a difference...I snapped this photo, just so you could see.

 The reddish one is regular old Ghiradelli stuff, and the darker one on the left is Hershey's Extra Dark, which I use because I live in the middle of nowhere and that's about the most sophisticated dark stuff I can get my hands on.

Also, if you love the cookie recipe you use, a good rule of thumb is to just substitute 1/2 a cup or so of cocoa powder for flour in your regular recipe.

I hope you learned something.  One of my goals for the year is to learn something new every day, and I hope I can pass along the same blessing!  What are YOUR resolutions?


  1. I love them! We're going to a new years eve party and I think I have to do these, especially some "de-motivation" resolutions!!! I am excited for your chocolate roll out, although I must admit I'm not ready to break up with Deb (smitten kitchen)'s mom's version just yet. BTW, royalish icing is now my go to.

  2. this is def. my all time fave new years cookies!! love that you didn't go with the traditional colors and the designs are marvelous! you are amazin!!!

  3. GREAT post, Callye!

    I gave up resolutions years ago, but I like the idea you had with representing them in cookies!

    I haven't done chocolate cookies yet, but with the look of these, I'm gonna go for it this week! Along those lines, I've got a surprise coming that I think you'll like ;)

    This WILL be an amazing year for us all, I'm sure of that. Happiest wishes for an exciting, fun New Year. One full of contentment, prosperity, and JOY!

  4. I thought for awhile there I was going to have to stay up LATE tonight waiting for this post!!!

    I LOVE these. I'm sure I need one that says "stop drinking" but a glass of wine is my guilty pleasure!

    Happy New Year Callye! Thanks for all that you teach us every day!

  5. These are beautiful as always, Callye! I love your color scheme. I've been wanting to try chocolate roll-out cookies for a while now, so this post came just in time...thank you! I don't really do "formal" resolutions anymore, because I tend to break them, which only causes disappointment. I prefer a looser version..."intentions", if you will. Getting fit (which includes eating better, exercising & losing weight) is at the top of my list, of course. Improving my cookie craft is a more fun one!

  6. Sue, did you like that one? Its om my to do list. They look wonderful! Do they stay soft?

    Vicki, big LOL...I have a vice too...but I won't admit it. Especailly because my mom reads. But it's on the platter, LOL!

    Scott, I am hopeless too!

    Ans Sue, I cannot wait to see. I wanted to do naughty ones, and special ones for my dad.

    Stop collecting junk, sleep until 7am, no more McDoubles for you or the stuff!

  7. Callye- deb's are delicious. They hold their shape/form perfectly, they stay soft, and since I used 1/2 black cocoa (king arthur flour) they tasted almost like thick oreos!! I'm excited to try yours, too- I loved your gingerbread, so I am sure this is delicious.

  8. Wow! I didn't realize you didn't chill! That part drives me nuts! I started doing the freezer for 20 min cus I am so impatient!! I can't wait to try the chocolate roll out cookies! Might have to do that today....shoot i need SUGAR!! Wonder if Thriftway still has it on sale!!! I started a blog...See you inspire me in so many ways!! Next: Organize my pantry!!!!!

  9. Ohhh and your new years cookies are AWESOME!!!! Soooo creative!! AMAZING!!! WOWWWW!!!

  10. Sue: Which chocolate cookies from Smitten Kitchen are the ones you make? When you said, "oreo" that got my attention.

    Actually, that is one word that should be on my Resolution cookie, "less oreos" "less cool ranch doritos"......"get rid of skinny clothes"...

    Callye......want to see those naughty ones....there is NOTHING like you naughty cookies!

  11. I liked the resolution cookies. I plan to try your chocolate cookie recipe but I am going to add 2 tablespoons espresso. See what happens. Raspberry would be good too...

  12. These are fabulous. I love the idea of your resolution cookies. Thank you for the recipe

  13. I love them, all the cookies came out so cute! My favorites are the clocks, great idea! and the disco dust is one of my favorites dust to use.

  14. All your cookies are fab!! Thanks for the recipe..i have to try it you know, i always like to try new recipes! LOL! My new year resolution is to's my yearly resolution but i really never seem to get my butt moving.. so hopefully in year 2011, i'll do something about it! :p Happy New Year to you and your family my friend! :D

  15. Cute cookies! Wondering what is on them to make them sparkle. Luster/Disco Dust and sanding sugar is all foreign to me and I have no idea what is what.
    ANYWAY....decorating cookies is one of my resolutions! I want to practice,practice,practice! Thing is, I can't be eating them all.

  16. Hiiiiiii,
    Can you please clarify??

    3-31/2 c flour

    Is this three 3 1/2 cups flour???

    Thanks a BUNCH.... Can't wait to try them :)

  17. Vtay-- it's deb's from SK "brownie roll out cookie" which is her mom's recipe. I think a big part of the oreo analogy comes from my substitution of black cocoa- I used 1/2 of the cocoa called for hershey's special dark and 1/2 black cocoa. Really good, I assume they are quite delish without the black cocoa, but that really makes it more like an oreo feel (and look- they are jet black!)

  18. Wow, these are just the most perfect cookies ever! No, beyond perfect! I adore this collection. I posted a link on Just couldn't resist sharing 'em!

  19. @Liz...I think she means three to three and a half cups of flour. So you'll add until it's thick enough.

    Great cookies Cal!

  20. Hello, I'm new to your blog! Great cookies! What cutter did you use for the 2011? Is that an upside down castle? I've never seen a year cutter, but I don't have a super store for all the cookie stuff where I live! Just thinking ahead for next NYE as we have a huge party every year. Love the resolution cookies!

    Happy New Year!
