
Wednesday, December 8

It's Not Cheating...

It's semi-homemade!!!
A few days ago, I was at Wal-Mart when I noticed some very cool pre-made gingerbread houses. They cost less than ten dollars apiece, which SEEMED like a pretty good deal.  I could just imagine the fun my kiddos would have with them. However, as I packed three of them into my cart, I had a little crisis of conscience.  $27 dollars seemed a little steep when I could make them at home, and that didn’t even include candy for decorating.  On the other hand, in the midst of all of the other Christmas chaos, who knew if I’d have the time to bake three little houses, construct them, and then supervise as they added embellishments? For that matter, since I had never really tried to build a gingerbread house before, I wasn’t even sure if I could do it. So, I scrapped the whole gingerbread house idea altogether.

*Plenty time for that when they get a little older =)*
As I reluctantly put them back, it occurred to me… there are probably several moms out there who would like to decorate cookies, but don’t have time, or absolutely cannot bake.  Or, even those like me, who don’t want to bake again after all of the work is done…
Pretty soon I forgot all about the gingerbread houses.  I had another mission, to find ordinary supermarket baked goods that could be decorated and turned into fun holiday treats! Not only was I looking for good products, I was also on the hunt for good prices.  I have to admit I went a little crazy; there were just so many possibilities, all of which combined, still came to less than the $27 I narrowly escaped spending on Gingerbread tract homes.

Between World Market and good ol' Wally World, I found more than enough!

And here's what it all turned into! 
These might be my favorite result wise, and these little gingerbread-like thins just melt in your mouth.

These were Bernie's favorites, in fact he asked for more!  I used orange flavored glaze icing on these, which was actually my first experience with glaze...except for the "joy" and "noel" cookies. I used regular RI for those.

The kids liked these best!  They were fudgy rounds with vanilla royal icing.  They boys thought they were "snowman" brownies.  I had to cut my youngest son off, LOL!

Flavor wise, these are my I said, this is probably my favorite type of cookie in the world!

Of the drop cookies, I think these are the prettiest.  And, their molasses flavor fits right in during the holidays!

*Okay, I cheated a little here...but I love scones*
These were cranberry orange scones, so I used orange glaze to decorate these.  It was an interesting experience...but more about that another day =) 

Imagine showing up to your next Christmas party, with a platter like this in hand, without even turning on the oven.  You will be the hit of the party!!!

These are just a few ideas that I came up with off the top of my head…There really are so many!  I hope this inspires all you busy and non-baking moms to do the same =)


  1. Beautiful, what a wonderful idea!

  2. Love those scones!!! And EVERYTHING you did... beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!

  3. Brilliant idea!!!! I have to ask - do you just keep icing in a billion colors mixed and ready to go? And how does it keep without separating or doing weird things like that?

  4. I usually have a few Colorado around....if they separate just stir them back up and add ps or a lol icing to thicken....bit mostly I just mix as I go...its easier that way :)

  5. This is a fabulous idea and you have shown so many creative ideas with each of the cookies. Non-baking Mom's & Dad's are going to love you for this post!

  6. Cute! I wondered if you could make little gingerbread houses with graham crackers? Seems like I saw that somewhere. Just stick them together with icing then decorate. Why don't you try it?! ;)

  7. Great cookies! And as one who bakes 40 gingerbread houses in September for our church kids to decorate in December (last Saturday and I'm still cleaning royal icing out from under my fingernails) a little semi-homemade round about this time sounds pretty tempting :)

  8. I love, love, love these cookies...and I love those gingersnaps from World Market; they are the best!

  9. They all look fantastic but quick question you saved the $27. by putting back the houses how much did all those cookies cost you ;o).

    BTW I always get my gingerbread house set at Costco, this year it had 2 small houses in the box with candy & icing included for $10.CAN.

  10. Great work Callye! I use glaze icing most of the time, it's quick and easy!
    Great to see ideas for people who want pretty things but don't bake :)

  11. These are so wonderful!! Such a great idea

  12. My adoration of you just sky rocketed!!!!!! So cool!

  13. Love your creativity and envious of your time spent on cookies!

  14. wow that is so great....sometimes i don't have time to bake and anyway i love decorating more than baking lol!!! I would love to try this! :)

  15. These look so wonderful. What a special touch to add to regular cookies. Love them all.

  16. Totally stealing this idea! So cute!

    (Think I'll also steal your mom's idea - tiny gingerbread houses with graham crackers!!! You could use nerds candies as the gumdrops....)

  17. You clever girl, you! You amaze me!!

  18. Your decorating skills would make me want to eat a shoe box. I don't know how the cookies actually taste, but they all look amazingly adorable.

  19. all such wonderful treats with a hint of sweet sugarbelle to complete the package! great read!!!

  20. That is brilliant... I'll be picking up cookies on my way home tonight!

  21. Great post! Our minds think alike! I always look at sweet things in the store and try to figure out how I could decorate. Ritz low sodium crackers make adorable buttons with RI and have a yummy sweeet/semi-salty taste! Wish I had a pic!

  22. Would you mind sharing your orange glaze for those scones? :)

  23. You are AMAZING. Whoda thunk store-bough cookies could be so gorgeous. Love love LOVE this!

  24. I've always wanted to do this, but felt like such a cheater! ...ha! Now I MUST try it. Great post!

  25. I just found your blog over at TCB. Your work is absolutely stunning!!

  26. Very awesome idea Callye!!! Promise to check out the U of C video as soon as I have some time to spend!!

  27. These are amazing! Can I get your frosting/icing recipe? I love the dimension it has!

  28. Your cookies are amazing. Where did you learn to decorate like that? Do you sell your cookies?
