
Monday, December 27

Cookie Cutter Crazy!

I have a problem.  Those who know me have seen it up close and personal.  I am a hoarder.  A cookie cutter hoarder!

I get lots of questions about where I get my cutters.  Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don't.  I get them for gifts, I order them, I have people bring them to me when they travel to foreign countries, sometimes I make them, sometimes I bend the ones I have...

Bern dogg and I tried to count them once.  We gave up after the 900's.

Not to long ago, I had a gal get REALLY irritated with me when I could not tell her where I purchased  a certain cutter.  Instead of trying to explain, I'll just post a picture.  It's worth a thousand words, or in this case, a thousand plus cutters!  So, please don't be mean to me if I say I don't know.  I am not fibbing...I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!

This doesn't include the 41 new cutters I got for Christmas, the other full basket in dining room that I have been using recently, or the others I plan on ordering from Karen's cookies with my Christmas gift cards in the next few days!  I know it's excessive, but it's my thing.  Some girls do shoes or nail polish,

*ahem, you KNOW who you are ;)*

I do cutters.  And, I like to enable others with my affliction...makes me forget I'm nuts!

*right ,Bea?*

 As for cutter shapes.  Lots of them I do remember.  Especially recent ones.  I had several people ask me about my reindeer this year.

 I just wasn't really digging this guy as a leaping reindeer...

So, I bent him a little to give him a wider neck, and turned him around, and he became a new man, which I like,  A LOT!

I also made another reindeer.  Don't give me credit for was desperation.  I have about 200 mini cutters at least, and my cute Rudolph was in the mini box. It was late, and I was tired, so I looked at the cutters I was using, and I improvised.  It took a few seconds more to trim them, but digging though the minis could EASILY take twenty minutes, so this is what I did...

From that, came these. 

So, moral of the story?  NEVER JUDGE A COOKIE CUTTER BY ITS SHAPE,  It can be any thing you imagine! And, no matter what your husband {or wife} says, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TO MANY COOKIE CUTTERS!!!

If you liked this post, hop on over and visit my friend Pam at Cookie Crazie.  She's way better than I am at this! She is the QUEEN of creative cookies shapes! 

Hope everyone has a happy Monday. Back to work for us all!

Were we even off???


  1. I'm feeling significantly better seeing your collection, as I thought I had a lot, and also significantly I'm not as organized as you are.

    btw. I have one old nail polish in my house..Lol

  2. LMAO now listen at least you dont have 2 obsessions. The nail polish and the cutters are ridiculous in this house. No room for any more of it but I keep getting it.

  3. oooh, I love this glimpse at others-who-have-lots-o-bins-o-cutters!! Now you are inspiring me to get organized. And why are people mean over cookie cutters??

  4. wow! I think that is so awesome how many you have! How fun. And also Im simply amazed at how you thought of the last minute Rudolph shape! Im seriously so impressed! You are one VERY talented Lady! :)

  5. First of all, that cutter storage is BRILLIANT! I am so envious of how organized you are!!

    And your creativity with cutters boggles my mind ~ I have cookie envy ;)

  6. Can I come and live with you : ) by the way you're never present in flickr, before you were making some comments etc, what happened? I'm sad : (

  7. Thanks for sharing!!! I am always looking for ways to organize my your system....and feel better knowing I am not the only one who oooohhs and ahhhs over cutters instead of fancy shoes and purses:)

  8. Right, SSB!!! A COOKIER can NEVER have ENOUGH Cutters... But having your imagination sure helps...

  9. God what an awesome collection! Im so impressed! I love your blog and now to see just how much you love cookie cutters - well im amazed!

  10. to cute!!! I love the last ones!! I would have never though of that!! Love it!

    I dont have 900 like you BUT I do have about 250 and the collection is growing :)

  11. ^_^ lo dico sempre a mio marito che i tagliabiscotti non bastano mai!

  12. Well aren't you creative! Now THAT is thinking outside the box! No wonder you have so many you accessorize them instead of just using their original shape! I am in awe. I wish I had found this before the holidays but there is always a cookie that can be made year round...those cookies are beautiful.

  13. Your organization is great! Maybe you can come to my bakery and help me organize? :)

  14. I thought I was obsessed with over 300 in my collection. After seeing yours, I now bow down.

  15. Callye, can I just tell you how happy I am that you post on your blog now! I mean I LOVE looking at your pics, but I love looking at them even more with your personality shining through your words! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  16. Tienes toda la razón, unos coleccionan zapatos, otros relojes, otros colonias... qué hay de malo en coleccionar cortadores de galletas? Si, además, les das uso... ojalá todas las aficiones fuesen así!

  17. Wowwwww! That is amazing girl!!! I'm glad I'm still a beginner and can learn from you!!! You are my inspiration!! That reindeer so had me stumped on how to make it look good! You are sooooo creative! I can't wait to meet you!!!

  18. wow...that's alot of cookies cutter.... impress.

  19. My daughter and I get a kick out your posts where you use cookie cutters to create something else. Our minds don't work that way!! I find it hard to imagine you would need to improvise when you have that many cutters but YOU GO GIRL!

    So my two college kids and I had fun decorating the sugar cookies with piping bags this Christmas. Frosting was too stiff but we made it through. NOW I am very excited about decorating cookies this way. I'd like some advice - what should I get as a beginner???

    I have - Meringue Powder (wilton), disposable bags, some 1,2,3 tips but not alot, a couple squeeze bottles, and some seasonal cookie cutters.

  20. Would it surprise you if I said that I had well under 100? I don't know why or how, but I am able to get by. Lately, I have gotten grumbly about having to make them and wish I had many more ;/ I am just the kind of person who doesn't buy unless I really need it. AND...I'd go crazy looking for things!

  21. Love seeing your stash! I regret throwing away a hundred or so years ago...thought I was done with cookies and yet...I wasn't. It drives me nuts when I search for a cutter I know I have...or should I say had and realize it was from years ago and I no longer have that one, then try to find something to replace it. Haven't replaced the alphabet sets yet, not sure that I will. A few from my childhood are the ones I miss most.


    I dont suppose you could tell us how your sort them....or label them? Maybe a little more detail of your bins? Please? I need to get organized and since YOU started me on this crazy cookie cutter craze obsession I have...then YOU should be the one to help me! :)


  23. Wow, such fun to see how you reshape or cut away to create a different cookie. Those Rudolf's are wonderful. Enjoying your Blog, Callye!

  24. I had to show your cutter picture to my husband....I said, "See it's not just me! She hoardes cutters like I hoard sprinkles!" (for Cake Pops)!!! We all have our obsessions, it's just comforting to know we're not alone ;)

  25. And hubby complains that I have too many. :) I love how organized you are with your cutters! Your cookies are fabulous! :)

  26. Ok, can i say that you make me feel better cos i feel that i'm not alone when it comes to obsession? I once had 300+ lipglosses!! Seriously..i mean now that i'm more sane, i wonder why i even bought so many when i have only 1 lips to apply them on! LOL!

    Despite having so many cutters, you are very well organized! Well, at least you use them all. I don't have a lot but i have some which i have not used yet and some i bought them just in case i might need them someday. And i hope that someday will come pretty soon enough to justify my!

  27. You collect cookie cutters...I collect yarn and needles...

    Yep, we all have something.

  28. I need to do some catching up. I only have 300.
    I don't do the bag/ shoes/ diamonds thing but you have me at cookie cutters.

    I am so impressed by your collection but even more with your ability to innovate.

    You are the best cookie gal ever!

  29. This post made me smile! I love your cookies and your cookie cutter collection! It's amazing!

  30. Hmmm...when I get my yarn organized maybe I can post a picture somewhere! ha ha Come help me!!!

  31. I wish I have your brain to even come up with ideas like this!
    Too cute!

  32. I too am a cookie cutter hoarder. At last count I had around 500 or so... and I would not take anything for one single one of my "babies"

  33. So I'm not the only cookie cutter hoarder! lol Loved the post and the pics! Love following your blog and now I'm following you on Fbook.
    Donna @

  34. I love this post, Callye! You are SO good at using cutters in creative ways. Sometimes when I look at my stash, I find cutter I didn't even remember buying! That's sad!

    I get that question all the time....where did you get that cutter. I can't remember a lot of the time!

  35. wow. i wish i had this many cutters... but my collection is kinda growing though. happy with that. :)

  36. This is HILARIOUS. My mom is a total hoarder when it comes to cutters... the shameful thing is, she NEVER uses them. I am about to start helping her out, though.

  37. How do you organize all of your cutters? My collection is outgrowing my original organization method!! It's starting to get hard to find what I need. But you are my IDOL!!! Wow!!

  38. I am so glad to know that I am not the only hoarder, though I am still far behind with only about 300 cutters. I love your organization though, much easier to get to than the bins and plastic baggies that I have!

  39. Love it!  I tend to be a bit of a horder, fabic and kitcheny items. But I just tell them it keeps me off the streets!
