
Saturday, December 11

All Things Icing, and a Fun Christmas Giveaway!

First things first.  I promised icing, so today we are talking about icing...I will try to keep it short (emphasis on try) so we can get to the FREE STUFF!

To start with, I am going to give you my top secret, amazing, wonderful, specially-formulated recipe for royal icing. 

Here we go...

To make SweetSugarBelle's Top-Secret Royal Icing you will need:
  • 3 Tbs of meringue powder
  • 4 cups (about 1 lb.) confectioners' sugar
  • 6 Tbs water
That's it!!!

Seriously... this is NOT my recipe. It's the Wilton Recipe, and it's exactly the recipe I use.  Oh, come on!   Don't be a Wilton snob...they didn't become the best known baking/decorating supply company in the US for nothing =)

Beat all ingredients until icing forms peaks (7-10 minutes at low speed with a heavy-duty mixer, 10-12 minutes at high speed with a hand-held mixer).

All joking aside, I do have one tip major tip, FLAVORING!!!! 

When Wilton says water, SweetSugarBelle says liquid.  AS LONG AS IT'S OIL FREE (since oil is the enemy of RI) then you're good.  So if you like orange, make it orange, lemon, throw in some lemon juice.  Vanilla, same thing...almond, coconut, rootbeer... *ICK, WELL MAYBE NOT ROOTBEER*  But really, if there's a flavoring for it, you can make it.

 PS-I fibbed a little bit, I really have two tips.  If you  are after a glossier icing finish, add a tsp or two of corn syrup to the icing while mixing.  It seems to work for me. 

PSS-Oops, fibbed some more.  Even though I use the Wilton recipe, I don't always like their meringue powder. Long story for another day...

PSSS-Fibbed again, last time, you need to see this. It's the  COOLEST ROYAL ICING TIP EVER!  Just read...

Moving on along so we can get to the free stuff...

There is another type of icing that can be used if you're part of the sect that thinks royal icing is pretty icky. It's the preferred icing of CookieCrazie,my cookie friend that I introduced here yesterday.  This is her recipe.

  • 1 lb powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup corn syrup
  • Flavoring
  • approximately 1/4 cup water
In a small bowl, stir together confectioners' sugar and water until smooth. Beat in corn syrup and almond extract until icing is smooth and glossy. If icing is too thick, add more corn syrup.

I tried this for the first time the other day, and I have to admit I was pretty impressed.  It DOES taste better.

*praying this doesn't not get me marked with a permanent scarlet letter by RI aficionados*

It's also a little easier to work with.  One consistency for everything, and boy does it take color well.  It's the perfect icing for a cookie decorating party, first of all because prep wise, it's very easy to make after you get the hang of it, and it's a two-in-one icing.  It can be used for both outlining and flooding once you get the consistency right.

As for royal, I know people who have worked with it for years, and STILL don't know why it does some of the things it does.     *like me*

One complaint about glaze; when it comes to fine detail work, it's just not the same.  If you want super detail, royal is the only way to go.

             *By the way, if I disappear, one of the RI Mafia "had me scraped"  for speaking against the family =)

I only had one problem with the glaze (besides eating too much of it)  It weirded me out when I was mixing it up.  I didn't know what to expect, really, but as I mixed, it seemed a little dry. So, I took it upon myself to NOT follow the directions, and ended up adding way too much liquid.  If you think you might have the same problem, do what I should have done in the first place, and watch this video on making glaze icing by i am baker. It's WONDERFULLY informative and hilarious =)  Okay, that's it I am finally done!

*WOO HOO, finally to the free stuff! *

I hope I forced everyone to read thorough the entire whole post to get here, *or maybe not* but in any case, I'm really excited about this giveaway!

I'm starting a movement.  I'm going to call it, " No More Frumpy Bakers!"

Truth is, most of the time I can be found in my uniform, a flour covered, royal-icing flecked black yoga suit...  It's unacceptable really...especially with all of the adorable baking gear available now.  So, I've decided, if I'm going to convince others to make cute, amazing cookies, then I'd better help them do it in style!

If you win, here's what you'll get = )

A gorgeous apron to keep you clean while you create...

A pretty set of vintage style measuring cups... (my Nanny used to do it this way)  AND, a nifty set of "Queen of the Kitchen" measuring spoons.

Everyone has two chances to enter:
  1. First, leave a comment on this post telling me whether you prefer glaze or royal icing. (or something else) and  if you can, TELL ME WHY!
  2. Second, hop on over to FB and suggest my SugarBelle's page to your friends.  Then, come back here and  leave me a comment  telling me you  me you did.
BE SURE TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH YOUR COMMENT, or email it to me.  If I can't contact you, I can't send you your prize.

Also, just for you Tweeters (my newest time suck)  I am offering a bonus entry for anyone who tweets this post. Come back and let me know you did.  *Contest ends Sunday, December 19, 2010 at midnight EST.  The winner will be chosen by  Good LUCK

Oh yes, and before I go, I owe everyone some cookies.  I missed yesterday, but I plan on playing catch up tomorrow and offering a quick video tutorial. Come check it out!

This is a Happy Holidays housewarming platter I made for a dear friend.  I moved over the Holiday season myself and cookies are the least I can do! 

*Truthfully, Bourbon would have been more appropriate, I think*

Good luck and Happy Saturday.  Hope everyone can spend it baking!


  1. I prefer the taste of the glaze icing. However, I don't have much experience decorating with it.

  2. Honestly, I can't say that I know the difference between the two, as far as taste goes. I'd assume that in my life, I've tasted both and just didn't know it. But you could send me some cookies and I'd try them, and then I could give you an informed opinion, lol!

    brandibug @ (no spaces)

  3. I've tried both and prefer the Royal Icing -- however -- I haven't tried this particular recipe, so I may change my mind.
    Thanks for the daily blessings.
    hlpergirl @ aim . com

  4. I love to work exclusively with marshmallow fondant. It is easy to flavor, color, and if you make several batches you are always ready to decorate cookies. I use royal for accents. I love to use impression mats, dragees, colored sugars, the possibilities are endless... It is a great medium to use on cookies if you have never tried it!!!!

  5. Sent a retweet. Have a great day.
    hlpergirl @ aim . com

  6. I love royal icing because you can just get more details done. Love the stuff.
    You already have my email address *LOL*

    and I tweeted which you'll probably see. <3

  7. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by cookie inspirations, cookies you want and need to get done -- but life gets in the way? Feeling that way this week. Just an extra thanks for your encouragement.

  8. How about Betty Crocker? ha ha I'll leave the decorating to you if you let me taste! Love ya!

  9. Hello! I love working with RI but prefer to eat cookies with the
    glaze icing. Actually, as long as it's almond! flavored, its good by me

  10. I suggested you to all my friends on facebook. Love your cookies!

  11. I use Glaze generally. I am going to break out after the holidays and try RI. If I am really looking to impress and send all of my cookie eaters into a sugar coma, I use my Mother's Buttercream Recipe that she took several years to perfect. :o)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I prefer glaze for my cookies. Love the taste. But I use a thinner glaze to cover the cookie, then thicken it with powdered sugar for the detail work. I'm assuming the water in CookieCrazie's recipe is supposed to be milk???

  14. I prefer the glaze icing. It's easier to work with, but details need RI. So, I use both.

  15. I love RI, and really like the taste... I flavour it orange, but loooove maple... I twitted and you already know my e-mail, SSB ;)

  16. Done FB, too!! xoxo... nice weekend for you and your family!

  17. I prefer RI--I think it's very easy to use. I tried glaze once and just didn't love it. I need to try it again sometime and give it another whirl.

  18. Suggested you on fb!


  19. i like the taste of the glaze but the look of royal icing. my email is by the way those cups are sooo amazing i love them!

  20. i also signed up for you facebook!

  21. I've never worked with glaze, so I would have to say royal. I plan in experimenting with glaze, but it will have to be after Christmas. No free time in the baking schedule to do anything twice!

  22. i think royal is ok...just doesnt taste very good! i am going to try this glaze tho. as far as what i like best on sugar cookies...buttercream! LOL

  23. SO much info shared in one post...thanks a million again, Callye :)

    Though I'm an honorary inductee into the CQ (ROFL), I'm gonna bow out of this giveaway ;)

    Though I will say, I've used glaze before, and just don't like it for decorating. I'm still getting the hang of RI. Bubbles in my flood icing is my ONE hurdle to overcome.

    On THAT note...I need to get these darned cookies finished so you can finally see I've been trying...and trying...and TRYING to make something good enough to share!

  24. I have been using Buttercream icing to let my kids decorate their christmas cookies. Well, not anymore after finding your sight and seeing what can be done with Royal icing. I feel like I have been missing out on so much. I will definately try your recipes and tips. Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for the great giveaway.

    I have also shared on facebook and retweeted on twitter.

  25. I haven't had much experience with glaze, so royal icing since that is what I am familiar with. :)


  26. I use I am baker's recipes of glaze, and I love it! It has such a great taste. This year I think I'm going to try your recipe for royal icing and decorate two batches of cookies, one with royal and one with glaze, just for fun!

    Katie Bias

  27. I also commented on Facebook about your website :)

  28. I love royal icing, glaze is too sweet for me. Amazing cookies!

  29. I would have to say Buttercream - I know that wasn't one of the options but I haven't tried the glaze yet and my attempts at royal have always failed. I guess it off to more practicing for me! =)

  30. And I just clicked like over on FB but not just because I had to but because I do like! You blog is delightful!

  31. Callye, I'm always suggesting you on FB - girl you are so sweet and talented!

  32. I've never tried glaze before. I have only used RI a few times. I just wish I could get the consistency down pat, hint hint!

  33. Royal all the way for me! Like you said, detail work is much easier with royal. I also feel like I have more control with royal than glaze.

    olvdleij (at) hotmail (dot) com

  34. love those measuring cups! Where are they from?

    I just made my first batch of cookies and I'm using royal icing. I have no experience at all so I don't have any preference. Yet.

  35. I love Royal Icing... yummy!! I have never tried the glaze before, so I guess I couldn't really say about that!! LOL!! I am new to your blog and L.O.V.E. all the cute things you create!!

  36. I'm an RI girl! I prefer it just because of how much detail you can add. However, I use a touch of corn syrup in my recipe. I guess my icing is more like a hybrid - a "Royal Glaze"!

    This giveaway is totally FAB! Love it! And love your housewarming cookies! So creative!! You're the best! :o)

  37. By the way... I love Wilton stuff! :o)

  38. I shared on FB too! <3

  39. And I tweeted!

  40. I use glaze, because I think RI tastes disgusting (going to try to flavor the $#!+ out of it sometime, though). I do lament the difference in appearance, though. You just cannot do the same stuff with glaze. That's why I love Amanda of iambaker so much. She really thinks outside the box about glaze. She never complains about what it can't do. She just finds awesome new ways to showcase what you CAN do with it. (Or, at least, what *she* can do with it. Sigh.)

  41. HI, KALLEY!

  42. I use glaze all the way! I really love some of the things you can do with royal that you can't do with glaze. The whole wet on wet thing just doesn't happen right with glaze. I did use royal for those 6000 snowflakes, so I got a good trial. I actually found royal way easier to use. I am still having HUGE problems with my glaze crystallizing on my dried cookies. I keep thinking I may have to switch over just for shelf life's sake, but then the customer's speak up and say how much more they love the taste of the glaze!

    As for those saying you can't get details from glaze...I have to strongly disagree! I get some pretty detailed cookies!

  43. I love your blog...your cookies are AMAZING!! You are my cookie hero :) I have only ever used Royal Icing, but I am not a huge fan of it, so I think I am going to try the Glaze Icing this weekend! trichard1125 (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. I've never tried glaze before. I can't wait to try this recipe for our gingerbread houses.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I've made both icings, but use the glaze icing most. I've used it longer and prefer the taste, that is why I still use it. It's great to glaze scones with too :)

  47. I tweeted your giveaway.!/createdbydiane/statuses/13649984788369408

  48. I've been going back and forth from Royal to Meringue Powder buttercream.....the buttercream takes so long to dry, but the royal seperates the next day......I do like the taste of glaze but find it kind of "sticky" to decorate with.

    Oh!!Can we have an "Ask Sugarbelle" day so we can ask every decorating question we have ever wanted to? I am in a dilema right now .... should NOT have agreed to make these cookies!


  49. I prefer the glaze, it seems lighter to me.

  50. I've only used the royal, so it's hard to compare. I do like the royal, but need to try the glaze! Your cookies, as always, are amazing! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  51. I love the taste of the glaze and I love the unlimited decorating possibilities with the RI. I'm torn!! If I had to receive a cookie(or two or three or twelve), I would rather it be with glaze... and a big pot o' coffee! Love this and would love to see the cookies you made with the glaze. :)

  52. I use royal icing, but haven't tried adding corn syrup to it yet. My Christmas Palm Tree Sugar Cookies (I'm from Florida) are calling my name to decorate!

  53. I have always used the wilton royal icing also, but I might try that glaze sometime.
    I now follow you on Fb, and I will share also!
    Thank you!

  54. Love your cookies... love the SPOONS!!! And thanks for the sweet shout out!


  55. I use RI because that's what I got introduced to when I first started cookie decorating. Didn't even know glaze existed until a year or two ago:P I actually like the way RI tastes. I thought of giving glaze a try one time, but for some reason it intimidates me...maybe it is the RI mafia :P But it's probably because I don't know enough about it. If you say it does taste better than RI, maybe I will give it a try!

    aliaswoman78 at yahoo dot com

  56. I love your cookie designs!! Fan on FB.

    aliaswoman78 at yahoo dot com

  57. Tweeted!

    aliaswoman78 at yahoo dot com

  58. I prefer for you to make my cookies for me!!! :)

  59. I like royal because it just looks better!

    That housewarming platter looks like it just must have taken forever! :)

    beach cove jewelry at gmail dot com

  60. I use the glaze icing, because it tastes better and it dries with a prettier finish. I only use royal icing for making flowers and such that require it for cake decorating. Thank you!

  61. I am a cookie novice but aspire to being a "pro" I always use ri but don't care for the taste. I have an icing recipe I used before I really learned about decorating with detail but wonder how it would hold up, I have been to chicken to try. The ingredients are butter, milk, powder sugar and vanilla. It is delicious. Any thoughts?

    Stefenie (

  62. I use buttercream because I like how it taste I have done royal icing and it is just taking me some time to get use to the taste and using it

  63. I just tweeted

    go check out this giveaway

  64. I like both but if you have kids like me and want the cookies to dry fast well royal icing works better.

  65. Suggested you on Facebook!

  66. Just tweeted:

    sweet giveaway:

  67. After testing both in my early days of cookie making, I settled on royal icing. I did like the shine of the glaze, but felt like I was always struggling to get the right consistency. I found it hard to get the glaze stiff. With the RI I can whip it up stiff for one consistency, then water it down for the flooding. I also like the taste as long as I add flavoring. Oh, and I have a selection of flavored oils, just need a small drop and they work well....oops, guess I'm breaking the rules! I add them at the end of whipping.
    Thanks for the icing tutorial! Alyson

  68. Oh my gosh, I love that apron! And those cups and spoons too!
    I haven't tried glaze yet, I'm too scared! I will try it in the new year though. Pam's cookies always look so good!
    nbarinque at gmail dot com

  69. Tweeted!
    nbarinque at gmail dot com

    Am I doing this right?

  70. I use royal because i like how it looks better. Also, the glaze is just too sweet for me.

  71. I use royal and only royal because I love the taste and I love how it looks.

  72. I also shared you on facebook! Please pick me!

  73. I love RI because of the details and it's what I've learned on and have gotten used to. :)
    mjudge83 at gmail dot com

  74. I prefer royal icing for decorating, because it is much easier to work with. I like the taste of glaze icing better, but it's so much runnier and harder to get good details out of!

    (I am totally drooling over that apron!)

  75. I like royal icing the best! I feel like I have more control over it and it looks so professional!

  76. I've never used galze, so I guess I have to say royal icing.

  77. Shared on facebook! :)

  78. Well, I'm decorating cookies since one year so I haven't much experience, but I always use royal icing. By the way, your blog is amazing and your cookies are really cute!.
    congratulations from spain.

  79. I actually use, and love both! But when I use a glaze, I just mix powdered sugar with milk and coat my cookies with a base layer. This is usually done to save time! A quick dusting of sanding sugar and the cookies are ready to pop into hungry husband and kids mouths! But for intricate decorating, royal icing is the BEST! Love the giveaway!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. wow, nice of you to blog in details. I used wilton royal icing too, I learn wilton method and was taught wilton method too.

    I learned glaze icing from a book I ordered from states.

    Due to the weather, glaze icing may not be a good choice. I stay in Singapore. It requres days of drying and the glace will soften the cookies.

    at the moment, I prefer to use Royal icing. At times I use egg white to make the royal icing. Due to the weather, I use 1 part egg white to 5 part of sugar icing, this is for stiff RI. For flooding, add 1 tsp of lemon juice and continue adding more liquid to have the correct consistency.

    This 2 weeks, our weather is very wet and the humidity is high, hence I used sugarpaste (mexican paste) as a base of the cookie. This is my only choice for a nice cookie.

    If I use RI, I tried and tested and 50 degree celsius in the oven for one hour could help to speed up the drying process of the cookie.

    Pauline C

  82. I only recently switched over from glaze to royal icing. I was tired of the cookies getting that clouded over effect after a few days and I couldn't get nice details.

  83. I'm a SugarBelle's fan on FB

  84. I'm going to have to go with RI on this since that's the only thing I've used haha

  85. I prefer glaze for the taste and royal icing for sugar cookies and it is because i love the way royal icing decorates, but love how glazes tastes :)


  86. Glaze is on my list of things to try because I really don't like the taste of RI. I haven't tried adding lemon juice, though. Perhaps that would make it better.

  87. I suggested you on FB! I love your posts-- I check every day to see the new cookie.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I prefer RI. I like the look that you can create with it. I love the daily posts that you have been doing. Great job!

  90. I just recently got into decorating cookies and so far I like RI. (of course it's the only thing I've tried but still lol)

  91. I like Royal Icing but my heart is still stuck on Buttercream Icing. I just love the taste of a real creamy Buttercream and the consistancy is easy to use. AJ -

  92. Love the look of RI, but will admit the glaze does taste better!

  93. Frumpy cookies are a no-no too- glaze/icing is often necessary for the prettiness factor....but I dont eat it- I pull it off like a 5 year old ditches broccoli. I do prefer glaze over icing though...taste healthier and more natural!

    Nichole.rachele at gmail dot com

  94. I prefer Royal Icing.
    turtletopp07 at aol dot com

  95. I use the glaze icing with corn syrup. It seems to really work well for me. Love your blog!

  96. Your blog is one of my favorites! I shared you on Facebook.

  97. I guess I prefer royal, but that's probably because I've only worked with that. :)


  98. Suggested you on FB!

  99. I have been using royal but would like to try glaze. As for taste I pretty much flavor it any way I want too. darlabeck(at)yahoo(dot)com

  100. I'm like you...I like the flavor of glaze but, I love working with RI. I have found out lately though that RI can be tricky sometimes.

  101. Actually, I don't know which I prefer. I might have to try them both... ;)

  102. I like royal icing because it looks really good!
    But ive never tried glaze, but maybe Ill try now.

  103. Hey! I suggested your site to my friends on Facebook. Some have already visited and Liked it! Thank you!

  104. I prefer RI and I too use Wilton's recipe! I love it because its simple and its what I know..i have tried the recipe from Cookie Crazie and it didnt come out..maybe i did what u did lol...

  105. I have also suggested your site to my FB friends!

  106. I love royal icing! I love how crisp and clean the decorating lines can be, and I like the taste too! I guess I'll have to get around to trying glaze... I just don't love the way it looks =(

  107. I just found your blog. You are amazing! There are some gorgeous cookies on your site, wow. Just wow. Well, I don't know the difference of the royal icing or the glaze. I think it's the royal icing that tastes better. :D

  108. I started decorating cookies less than a year ago so I still have lots to learn and need lots of practice. I tried all types of icings and professional taste testers (aka, my family) agreed that Buttercream icing has the best that is what I go with. I get raves about the taste of my icing! I had horrible luck with RI the first time around, but I may have to give your recipe a try...thanks for sharing!

    tdodd00 @

  109. Happy Sunday morning :) Please enter me for a chance to win your wonderful give-away...I don't do FB so it's just 1 entry. As far as the icing goes, I'm gonna try your friend's recipe but add vanilla instead of almond extract. I've been using the butter frosting recipe on the Domino's Confectioner's sugar box for years....but because it's off-white to begin with you only get muted colors - which I don't like - so I need to try something different...ergo, here I am :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  110. Great post! I only use royal icing and I like how it has worked for me. I am interested to try glace, but I need to build up my courage.

  111. Loved the post! I actually use both recipes equally. I find that in the weather determines which recipe I use. Royal doesn't dry fast and hard here with our high humidity, so on those days, I use the glaze. I do love the royal for detail work best, though.
    Rita- Greer,SC

  112. i am a glace girl all the way! i like the details that you can achieve with RI, but i don't like the way it dries so hard and i personally think that it sucks all the moisture out of my cookies and makes them dry (my personal opinion only!) however,i have learned that if i add a little more powdered sugar to my glace and use a #1 tip i can get some pretty good details using that! love the post!

  113. hi! im so excited about he giveaway i forgot to leave my email address! now how disappointed would i be to win those ever so cute measuring cups and spoons and not be able to get

  114. I have never used glaze for doing anything but dripping the icing on top, and it has always been what my family used for christmas cookies. But, not that I do cookie decorating professionally, it's all about the RI!

  115. Suggested you on FB too! I hope I win!!

  116. I am new to making decorated cookies. I have only tried royal icing twice and both times it was a mess!!

  117. I'm a newbie so I'm still trying things to see what works for me. I like the control of royal, but I like the finished look & taste of the glaze. I liked the last batch of royal I made, I added just a little more vanilla and it seemed to taste better. Thank you so much for the inspiration, I'm amazed every day by your talent.

  118. I suggested you to some of my friends on FB!

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. I LOVE baking, but I'm ashamed to say that I have never tried to make cookies like this. My friend has made them using RI, but now I'm going to have to suggest this glaze to her, too. I have all of my supplies and am attempting to make my first batch of cookies over the holiday break with my kids. They're so excited. Now I'm just wondering if I should use RI or glaze with them. (deleted and reposting my comment to add my email address...oopsie! h.a.ferguson at gmail dot com)

  121. Suggested you to friends on FB and posted on my profile. h.a.ferguson at gmail dot com

  122. I think I like glaze better, me and royal icing are enemies :(

  123. That apron is calling my name. I've told you before that you are my cookie idol. i wish you were my neighbor too. :) I am in the total minority here. I use meringue buttercream. I discovered the original recipe from Karen's Cookies at this time last year. Over the past year, as I've grown my biz, I have tweaked it here and there and I now have something I LOVE! It is basically royal icing with a bit of shortening in it. I know that sounds like a hot mess since you aren't supposed to have any oil in RI. I believe the process of making it is what makes it work. I get decent detail and the texture I love about buttercream. It dries hard enough for me to package, while still holding onto the softness that I crave in a cookie. It's not easy to layer on a cookie, but I've been able to create new techniques to give that cookie the detail it needs. I have been so tempted to switch over to RI after finding Callye and her creations, but MB will always have my heart! Thanks for all your inspiration, motivation, and passion!

  124. Oh my goodness, this issue gives me so much anxiety!!! Ok so I am a RI gal, recently I started adding a little corn syrup to help gloss up my RI. I like RI because of detail, but I am always impressed with how much detail Pam gets out of her cookies. I have never tried her recipe though. I use Marian's recipe for my RI but I am going to use yours now that you have shared it!!! Thank you so much for sharing because I have been wondering what you use!!! A little secret, I also have cookie recipe anxiety which goes between two cookie recipes and I can't figure out which one is better! Maybe I will post about it! Love everything you do my dear!

  125. I just found you today!! and I just added your facebook, I'll suggest you to some of my friends too!! I made my FIRST batch of royal icing sugar cookies yesterday! It was super fun and I'm looking forward to trying some more cookies!!I was getting into cake decorating but it just frustrates me to much...cookies and cupcakes are much more relaxing..if you screw one up you can toss it aside and start over!! I plan on devouring every cookie decorating blog I can find!! you are AMAZING!!

  126. I prefer the taste of royal icing.

  127. At the bakery where I work we use a combination of glaze and royal. First we bake the cookies and then once they're cool we glaze them with an almond/vanilla glaze and let them dry. Then we go over top and decorate with medium thickness royal so that you get the flavor from the glaze and the detail of royal without the entire cookie being hard to bite through.

  128. I have used both and I like both for different reasons. The glaze dries shinier but takes so long to dry. I like the royal because it does dry faster, sometimes to fast. I have suggested Sugarbelles to everyone I know on FB and off!

  129. Fab giveaway Callye! Are you international with it? Just in case, I prefer a fondant base on cookies because it's not so rock hard as RI and I find glaze nice but a little too sweet. I love royal to decorate with but with a base of flavoured fondant so the whole cookie isn't too hard.
    The other reason I stick with the fondant is that it won all my taste tests!!
    Loving your blog. You're doing a fantastic job!

  130. I love the way glace icing makes the colors look so vibrant and shiny but when making a big order of cookies I find it can sometimes dent even when let dry for a long period of time. I like to use royal icing for the control and to me, it has been easier to work with. Maybe if I practiced more with the glace icing I would get the hang of it. I love this giveaway. I would love to win those items! Lorraine - email:

  131. I have more experience with royal. I keep trying the glaze but haven't seemed to get it right yet.

  132. I love glaze, I find it easy to work with and it does not set rock hard. I love the taste too.

  133. I like the look and workability of the royal better, BUT I like the taste of the glaze!

    I wish there was a middle ground :)
    Great giveaway!

  134. I use RI, basically the same recipe as you! It's always reliable for me. I'd like to try the glaze, but does it harden? or will all my details be smashed at the slightest touch?

  135. I cant tell the difference. But the glaze tastes better to me.

  136. Historically, I've used glaze and I prefer it because it doesn't have that crunch that royal icing has. However, you've peaked my interest in royal icing and I'm interested in doing a combination. Maybe do my base color in glaze, but the detailed decorations in royal icing.

  137. I don't have a preference yet. I'm just starting out.

  138. I've only decorated cookies once in my life and I used royal icing. My experience is from eating lots of cookies, and I prefer glaze.

    Love your work!

  139. My favorite is RI because of being able to do fine details!!

  140. I haven't gotten the hang of the royal yet...but it was ok. I like the flavor & texture of the glaze better for actually eating. ;)

  141. Also....I posted a link to your page in my FB status...hoping all my friends will "like" your page as well!! thanksfor all your tips!

  142. I'm new to both--- but I am intimidated by glaze!!! Love the tutorial. I wish I had watched it before I used the concrete royal icing to pipe with, without sifting!! Clogged tip, anyone??? love the give away! You have been suggested to my baking friends on facebook!

  143. I don't know that I've tried glaze icing, but it sounds much easier than royal icing and I'm not that big a fan of the royal icing flavor. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's certainly no cream cheese icing. Great blog. I just discovered you today.

  144. I use a glaze icing (I think) Got it from I am Baker. RI scares me :)

  145. Glaze tastes better to me, but I prefer to work with RI. For some reason, it was hard to work with glaze icing the time I made it. I should probably try again.

  146. I don't have a great deal of experience with either, but I think glaze tastes better and RI is easier to work with. :)

  147. I would love to win- the apron, measuring cup and spoons are SOO cute! I like glazes only because they are easier. THansk for the chance to win.

  148. I suggested you to friends on Facebook.

  149. I use both, Buttercream for taste and flooding, and RI for piping. Love Love Love all your ideas and helpful hints, when I grow up, I want to be just like you!

  150. I suggested your page to my friends :)

  151. I would have to say I prefer royal icing because I have never really decorated a cookie with glaze icing. :)

  152. i love royal icing i don't like the way glacee looks when it dries lol

  153. i also tweeted

  154. Your creations are so beautiful! I've tried both and do prefer royal icing but have used the glaze by thining it and used it by pouring on cookies. Last time I used a pink and light purple glaze on store bought cookies (felt bad because I didn't bake them myself - wish I had more time) and put a few pretty sugar sprinkles on - looked very elegant for my cousin's Sweet 16 party!
    I've enjoyed reading your blog as well!

  155. I love using royal icing because of the way it looks when it is finished. People are always so impressed!

  156. I share many of your RI/glaze feelings. RI is so much easier to give small details to cookies, and I think the colors turn out a little brighter, but its so messy, hard to store longer than 24-36 hours, and its just finicky! Glaze tastes much better, and is much easier, but the colors seem to fade into each other and not POP as well. SO...depends on the day, my mood, and the energy I have to clean up! (this stuff is all adorable!!)

  157. Love you on FB, and I shared you with all my friends!

  158. I am going to try the glaze this weekend. I tried royal icing for the first time last week and found it to be a bit ick in the taste department. What a cute apron!!

  159. Glaze is my favorite with double the almond flavoring! Decorating with it is not quite as easy but I love it!

  160. I have use glaze like 99% of my life and love it but I am looking into branching out into RI Im just not sure about the texture on a cookie oh well i guess i could eat the evidence if I dont like it

  161. I do like RI and all the datail you can add, but my hand is very shaky, so it doesn't work that well for me. So for that reason Fondant is the way to go for me.

  162. I have never used glaze so i have to choose RI. I think I will give it a try though.

  163. Glaze all the way. Taste matters so much in a treat like a cookie. If it were just for display then RI, but where's the fun in that?

  164. I prefer glaze icing because I like the taste better. Looking forward to the giveaway...the items are beautiful!
