
Thursday, November 4

Variety is the Spice of Life, Right?

In my case, maybe not. For some reason, the cookie girl CANNOT bake cakes, or cupcakes without creating a small disaster. I'm not talking about real cakes either. I'm saying plain old, straight out of the box cakes can whip me! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Anyway, I will leave the cupcake baking to the professionals from here on out, unless I need them for props. Its the cookies that are my department!

I made these for my friend Landa. She and I share a common love of Star Wars, so when she mentioned that was the theme of he son's upcoming birthday party, I was on it!

Sometimes it's hard being a million miles away from the people you love and want to sit around the kitchen table with. All of my besties are sprinkled all over the USA. I have buds in Virginia, Georgia, Michigan, New York, Washington, Oklahoma, Tennessee, California, and even Hawaii, but on most days, I don't have anyone nearby to call for lunch.

I miss my friends, I wish I had a private plane or an island, or somewhere to hold us all so that I could drop by for a cup of coffee whenever I pleased. The only consolation is that I am lucky enough to live in a time that they are only a text or a computer screen away. So, until I get that private plane, I will bake them my love from a million miles away.
*Stay tuned tommorrow for simple instructions for making these toppers!


  1. That private plane idea sounds great! Fly by my house anytime!! These cupcakes and cookies are super adorable!!

  2. Okay this post made me cry like a big baby. I love you, girl. All my heart!

  3. Those look fantastic. P.S. I LOVE the new page. The red crazy was cute but took away from the cookies.

  4. Love the cuppies... Please come visit me in Cancun in your private plane, as soon as you get it...;)

  5. I don't know what your talking about. Your cupcakes look great! The cookie toppers are amazing. I eagerly await for your tutorial.

  6. Remember you have friends in Canada too!!! the blog looks fantastic - I'm so glad you still have an outlet for all your creativity! :)

  7. So cute! It cracks me up that you struggle with a cupcake because you're clearly genius when it comes to cookies!

  8. I hear ya, Callye!
    I, too, am far away from most of my cake buds. I can't just pop in to their shops and hang out, help, cause mayhem...whatever. And the reverse is true.

    Now, about the variety of baking life kickin' ya...that's just something that takes time. Which so many of just don't have in abundance, to broaden our focus. In this case, I'm wholly in the "do what you do, and do it WELL" camp. And you've got that goin' on in SPADES, my friend! Cheers!
    (And I'm also firmly in the "can't wait until tomorrow for the mini tutorial" camp!) ;)
    Until then...keep cookie-ing, keep smilin'...and have a great day!

  9. Callye,
    I had to buy cupcakes from the store for my son's birthday party after the cupcakes I made totally bombed. I can bake cookies, but I will also leave baking cakes to the bakery downtown!

    Mary aka. (#1 cookie mom) from flicker
