
Sunday, November 21

Minnie's Button Jar

This time of year always reminds me of my Nanny. Nanny has been gone for almost two years now, but I still think of her every day. She was one of my favorite people in the world, and I was always her baby. I spent every spare moment at Nanny's house. It was my safe place. It was always warm, inviting, and she definitely let my brothers and I have free reign of the house. We played away many days of our childhood at her house.

Most of the time I played in her make-up and with her shiny clothes and costume jewelry. Nan had notoriously gaudy taste, which made her a hero in the eyes of a ten year old. However, one special day, I discovered another treasure. One of my favorite memories is the day I found Nanny's button jar in the sewing room. I had big plans for it, but the button jar was one of the few items she didn't want me playing with alone. It had belonged to her mother, Minnie, and was very special to her. So, that day, we sat at her table and sorted through Minnie's buttons. Some had stories, some she didn't quite remember, but I remember that day like yesterday. I am not sure where the jar got off to, but for many years she had a picture hanging in her house called Minnie's Garden. It was made of ribbon flowers and buttons, and I would like to think that is where most of Nanny's Buttons ended up.

My Nanny was anything but typical. She smoked, she drank, and she didn't spend a whole lot of time baking. When she did, she tended to goof. Her best fruitcake ever was a boo boo that she could never remember again! She also taught me about every single bad word I know. But, I wouldn't change her or my experiences for the world. Nanny taught me how to keep going even when I didn't think I could. She showed me how to smile even when things got tough. Even now when I hurt, I can feel her presence and her comfort. Nothing bothered her more than when my heart hurt, and she would do everything in her power to make it better, even if all she could do was be there. That meant the world to me.

So, in memory of my Nanny, I made these cookies. She didn't live to see me learn this, but I know she would be proud. I love you Nanny, and I miss you every day!

Day 14

This is just a quick little platter I made for a friend as a party gift for her little girl.


  1. OMG! I would have loved your Nanny. She reminds me of my great grandma. She called herself a broad and not a lady LMAO. This post made me tear up and smile at the same time. *hugs*

  2. She was SOOOOOOOOO BAD! But it made her so approachable! You would have loved her. Remeber that recipe card I have, that was her 100%!!!

  3. Your post brought me to tears. My grandma drank Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and was a ferocious NY Mets fan. She had a salt & pepper shaker collection of over 1000 pairs. I remember her knarled, arthritic fingers, always had a fresh coat of bright red nail polish. She inspired my baking obsession with her homemade coffee cake. I lost her too soon too. :o(

  4. Hehehe - I love your Nanny already and can see why you miss her. She sounds like a true life lover!

  5. Callye, what a sweet post and set of cookies. Your post got me all misty-eyed.

  6. That was such a cute post! I just have to tell you how unbelievably talented you are!!! I want some lessons! =)

  7. the buttons are by far the sweetest things ever. im so glad you started writing again

  8. Ira could have written this post about Momma ;) Those two women belonged to the same club! I am so excited that you had a button jar. I know from experience that those button jars are so special. After Momma passed, I was allowed to pick a few items and I proudly chose her shears that her poppa used to tailor coats for a living. I also chose the pointy embroidery scissors that she used all those years as we sat and knit together. I am so grateful for the memories and for the years we had together. Even though we lost then, we are truly blessed.
