
Saturday, November 6

Itty Bitty Knitties

I made these cookies for my mom, who is a knitting nut. So much so, she has committed to a project called knit-a year. Basically, you knit a few rows a day for a year, reflecting your mood by yarn choice. I tease mom that she will have the longest scarf EVER, but really it's very cool! You can check her progress on her blog, Knitrageous. I made these cookies for her. I thought they were a really fun way to test out my larger set planned for next week.


  1. Those are so cute! Your mom will love them! I do know your mom; she was my teacher at one point in time. :)

  2. I love it! I love your moms blog too! I like to knit but don't have time very much anymore...very cute

  3. I am a friend of your "Knitting Nut" mother. I met her through knitting at our Knitting Guild in Midland. She will love those cookies! I have been checking your blog often after she posted some knitting cookies you made for her bithday several years ago. I know she is very proud of you. You are very talented and I am so sorry how things have turned for you. God closes one door and opens another. Sometimes it takes a while to figure this out, but have faith and I am sure something good will come of this. You are exceptionally talented - I love your designs. Wish I had lived a little closer and could have tasted some of those talents!!! Sandy in Midland

  4. Omg, these are phenomenal.
    You are doing awesome with you project. Keep it up!! Awesome stuff
