
Saturday, November 27

Finally Made it To Starbucks Again, LOL!

I forget what day we are on, LOL, but I am going to throw in ONE more turkey cookie before I head back into Christmas. I actually forgot about this one, but it was hubby's idea, and he was proud of it, so he noticed it didn't make the cut!

While I was thinking up creative ways to make turkey cookies out of the cutters I have, he was working too. This is his turkey idea...pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I am rubbing off on him. I have him baking, now he's designing cookies. He better watch it or else I will try to hire him full time =)

I was in a little rush right before Thanksgiving, so this is the only close-up I got of the Thanksgiving platter I made.

I made this set for my good friend Kim for her girly girl hunter. She loves to hunt, but never without her pink polish =) What can I say, she's a Texas girl!


  1. Adorable sets, Callye! Yesterday I was complaining to my husband about how my body ached from rolling so many COOKIES on Thu and Fri... he asked if a sheeter would help and when I told him Laura's husband Dave is in charge of rolling dough, he said he could help next time... beware DH's you could turn into COOKIE-holics, too! Maybe in a couple of years COOKIE Camp could be opened to couples ;)

  2. These are so cute!!! I'm going to decorate Christmas cookies tonight!

  3. My dear I love your new blog! So cute just like everything you do ;) xox! Happy baking!

  4. LOVE the turkey cookies..
    Actually, I love ALL your cookies.. you do such amazing work!!

  5. I absolutely adore these, especially the CORN!
    Seriously, I wonder Do you dream of cookies? ;-)
    I haven't even thought about Christmas Cookies, I so fear I won't have time this year.
    Have a great day!

  6. OMG so much talent. Love the cookies will be great with my tea! So pretty !
