
Wednesday, November 17

Did You Guess?

Sorry for the delay! Here is the cookie you have all been waiting for, the third in my series. This one is called the Carolers. It took a little bit of thinking to get the faces right, and I am still not 100% satisfied with them, but you get the idea. As I was making them, they started to remind me of myself and my two youngest kids. Since the party is not complete without the whole clan, I decided to add Daddy and Big Brother. Just for the record, Daddy does not look like himself, but Mommy was too tired to mix a new batch of icing for him at midnight =) Maybe next time!

Day 11
As for the cutter, did you guess?! All three cookies were made from one of my favorites, my pumpkin patch cutter. If you would like one for yourself, you can get it at Country Kitchen Sweet Art, among MANY others! Later in the week, I may have one more to show you. Hope you have fun re-purposing your cookie cutters. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination!


  1. Adorable! I wouldn't have guessed the pumpkin patch...I was thinking some type of car. I love that cutter though!

  2. What a clever use for your cutter! Love your piping details on these.

  3. These make me laugh becasue they kind of remind me from Stewey from Family Guy, LOL!

  4. I thought it was the pumpkin trio cutter, but you threw me off by cutting off the middle pumpkin's stem! Awesome work!!

  5. Great Cookies and great cutter Callye -- I've never seen that one! I've have to add that one to my 'collection' next Fall!
    -Jody (East Coast Cookies)

  6. I love the variety of different uses for a cookie cutter. Thank you very much and congratulations for the imagination!

  7. How creative of you to use the pumpkin cutter to make the carolers cookies. They are sweet and you are very talented.
