
Saturday, November 13

365 Days of Cookies

I am getting VERY involved in this cookie project I have embarked on. I call it 365 Days of Cookies. I first came up with the idea from a similar project my mom was doing, called Knit-A- Year. I began this project once before, last Easter, at about the same time my mom started her knitting thing, but my work load and life got in the way. However, now that I have more free time, I have decided to get back into it again.

When I started this project, I peer pressured my buddy Landa into it. It was kind of like a diet buddy thing, if I knew she was up late working on a cookie, it would keep me motivated to do mine, and not be the one who turns up empty handed in the morning. Rules are pretty slack. As long as we get a cookie posted every day, with exceptions for family stuff, holidays, and the "BIG" things, then that's all it takes!

I worked through this week and I noticed that every single day, Landa was posting a cookie that was just STUNNING. She doesn't post as often as others, so sometimes I forget the originality and beauty of every single cookie she makes.

That made me think, wouldn't it be cool to encourage others to do this with us? The expectation and excitement seemed to push both of us to make better and more original cookies, so would including others to participate encourage a cool cookie EXPLOSION? I sure hope so, because there is nothing I like more than cool cookies!

So, if you are interested, let me know here. If there is enough interest, I'll open a Flickr group dedicated to this project.

Keeping up doesn't have to be difficult...bake one batch of cookies, and pop them into the freezer, and then decorate as you needed. You can get ahead by doing several at once, or decorate one every single day. Whatever suits you best.

I hope you will take the challenge and join. This could be fun, inspiring, and also be a way to practice and get better!

As for me,I am almost through my first week, of cookies and this is my cookie for Day 6. The inspiration was a combination of a dress form and a gift card I saw in Pier One. Don't ask me how I come up with these things, but here it is. Cookie of the Day,My Favorite Christmas Dress!

Day 6


  1. Sounds like fun. Maybe I could join you at another time, in another year, another life?!?! LOL. Struggling for balance STILL after returning to work from maternity leave in September. Hubby, work, a 6 year old and 6 month old, then squeezing a cookie order in here and there, keep me going in circles. :-) I'll just continue to enjoy your awesome posts for now. :-) Love your wrok.

  2. I'd like to get in on it, but it may be more like 1 cookie a WEEK! lol (Getting ready to move and 1 a day may be a little much for me right now.) Love the idea!

  3. You are so incredibly sweet. I am so lucky to have you as a friend and because I love you I keep on going. For some random person I would have been like Nope not doing it. Thank you for making me work. I love ya!

  4. I would love to give it a try! I think I post almost a cookie a day now, so it would only take a little more planning!!! :)

  5. I do have a suggestion. Maybe a shorter amount of time? Maybe a cookie a day for a month wouldn't seem as daunting, but it would give everyone time to practice new things?

  6. This is a WONDERFUL idea!!! I'm so sorry for what happened to you, but I love the idea of getting to just do the cookies you want and enjoy the process. I'd love to join you, but it'd be 1 a week for me, too. I have a 3.5 and 1.5 year old at home and it'd be impossible to do a cookie every day!

  7. Sounds like fun! Count me in! :o)

    Loren @ The Baking Sheet

  8. @Brenda's Cakes...You could join in for as long as you liked, just for the fun of it I'd think. But I'm not the boss!

    If any of you bakers are knitters, feel free to join in on Knitayear! ha ha

  9. I am just glad to see you are still making cookies!!!! You go girl!!!

  10. I love your dress cookie. So beautiful. I love the idea of cookie a day too. I would love to try it too -but perhaps if you do it again next year. I too am struggling with balance. Your cookie also reminds me of a cookie I am doing for the opening of my favorite dress shop - it is a silhouette of a dress on a dress form like yours and it is a stencil. I will send a photo your way.

  11. Bren, you are so right. I am already worried abot the holidays! I made a flickr group for it here,
    No rules, except try to keep up, and have fun!!!

  12. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. You're truly talented and your cookies looks amazing. Please keep blogging, as I check your blog every day.

  13. Callye, what a fantastic idea!
    Count me in! I'll catch a breather after Tuesday's two-cake event, then I'll be ready to go! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  14. I love that Xmas dress!! And cookie a day sound so fun..wish i can join...only if i am discipline enough..:p.

  15. This is such a brilliant idea. What a crazy challenge! I would love to try.
